I am officially done with my first year of college. I had my last class today, just one hour of physics. It feels sooo good to be done. I can't even believe it. I don't have to go to class again for 3 months! Daniel and I can't stop talking about how happy we are to finally be finished with class. And we feel really good about our grades and everything this quarter.
Yesterday I had three classes, all three have finals next week. We spent each class period reviewing for the finals. I feel so much more confident now about my finals. I knew almost every review question off the top of my head, and now I know what I need to study too. And I have three full days to study for psychology and religion, and then one whole day to study for Physics. Daniel promised to help. And somewhere in there I need to pack up my room too, but that shouldn't be a problem. Oh and yesterday I got my last religion paper back, and I got an A! That's really good because we only have two other grades right now in that class, and they are both Bs. So if I get an A on the final, I think I will get an A in that class. And I'm really confident about my other classes too. I just might finish with all As again. That would be incredible. I have finished the final revisions on all my papers for writing, so once I email them to my professor then I am done with that class.
I want to go out and celebrate finishing my first year. Daniel and I were going to go out for dinner and treat ourselves to a steak (it has been waaaay too long since I have eaten steak), but after spending so much money last weekend, we don't really feel like we can spend a lot again. So we might just get pasta or something like that. We'll see.
Today I went to the Lamont school of music's final picnic at Observatory Park. It was really fun, and the food was good. I got really burned on one side on my shoulder and arm, but that's good because it will turn into a tan. And tomorrow night one of Daniel's fraternity brothers is having a party (I hear there will be lots of beer - yuck) so we'll go to one final party before we head back to Arizona.
I finally called Sun Health Institute to ask if they had the results yet of the internship. The lady said that the program had already started and those who were not selected were notified by email or letter. I told her I didn't get anything. So she transferred me somewhere and I got the answering machine. I hung up. Oh well, I didn't get the job. I'm not so much disappointed about not getting that job, but I am really annoyed that now I have to find another one. I guess I don't have to, but I would like the money and I think I will be bored if I don't have a job and my parents probably would expect me to get a job. So I have to start looking for places to apply. Number one on my list is Banana Republic at Kierland. I really want the employee discount! Or maybe Barnes and Noble or something. I have also thought about applying to be a receptionist at a doctors office or something. I think I would be good at that, but I don't really know how to find out if there are any jobs open.
Last night was our last choir concert - the Haydn Harmonie Mass. It went really well. Daniel was very impressed, well really everyone was very impressed. I really enjoyed singing it and I was really proud to be part of the group even though I know the reason it sounded good was because of all the opera majors and everything. I can't wait to hear the recording and play it for my family. There was a really tiny part of me that thought maybe my family would come and surprise me. But they didn't. A small disappointment. I really hope they come to visit campus sometime next year. It's really sad meeting other peoples' parents and never having yours come to visit.
Well I have to go eat a mediocre, barely edible dinner at Nelson Hall because for some stupid reason ours isn't open on Friday nights. Bleh. I can't wait to go home.
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