Sunday, May 11, 2008

Today Daniel is taking me out!

I got all my homework done early because this afternoon Daniel is taking me out on a date. We are having lunch at a little Italian bistro (that's what the website said anyways) and then going to the Colorado Symphony. They're playing the Four Seasons by Vivaldi which I absolutely love. And yesterday we spent almost all day together too. I love just laying in bed watching movies.

Last night my Mom called. She went to Erin Vedder's wedding shower. Erin's mom, Linda, is the one that told me about the internship I applied for. She works for Sun Health Research Institute and they have this summer internship program. So anyways at the shower she told my mom that there are 17 positions and 200 applications! 200! Yikes! I had no idea how many applicants or spots there were, but now I am scared. She said that first they throw out all the ones that didn't complete the application right and then they looked at our "personal statement". I am really bad at writing "personal statements" so that makes me really nervous. I actually went to our writing center on campus to get help with it because I had no idea what to write. They helped me a lot and I felt much more confident about it. But, seriously, why can't they look at my transcript first. I am very confident about that. Anyways, she said that they really liked my letter, so that's awesome! I should find out if I get the job in the next week or two. After my mom told me all of that I couldn't stop thinking about it. This will be my first real job. And it will look so good on my resume in the future not to mention the $1000 at the end of the summer. I won't really look forward to working 40 hours a week since I'm used to having the whole summer to do whatever I want. But that's a small price to pay. Oh I hope I get it! I want this more than anything right now.


beth said...

there were 157 applicants for the job i have and only one spot. . . (i am not bragging, i am giving you hope)

Rachel said...

wow! that does give me hope, thanks. I'm dying to find out.