My first class today was physics at 12pm. I have like a 15 minute walk to get there. When I got to class, I opened my backpack to pull out my notebook and everything was wet! My water bottle was not screwed on all the way so it spilled all over everything. My laptop and religion textbook got the worst of it. So then I had to run back and forth from the bathroom to class and try to wipe up the desk and my computer and everything else that was soaking wet. Before class started. My professor noticed and got me a big roll of paper towels which was very kind of him. So I emptied out my backpack and stuffed it with paper towels. Daniel very kindly brought me two bags from the bookstore. one has all my stuff in it, while the other has my soaking wet backpack. Ugh. What a horrible start to the day. Now I have to carry around all my stuff in a plastic bag and hope it doesn't rip. Good thing I only have one more class today.
On a brighter note, at the end of class we got our mid-terms back. I got 33/33, 100%!! Yay! That should definitely help me bring up my grade before the end of the quarter. Additionally, I have been getting almost 100% on all my homeworks and labs. One more quiz, one more lab, one more homework, and one more test left. Three weeks from tomorrow is my final exam and my flight is that evening. Thank goodness!
I just had a horrible exchange with my sister on facebook. I deleted it so you nosy people can't read it. Ha! I tried to be nice because we are both sensitive to each other telling the other one what to do, but apparently I wasn't trying hard enough. She got angry and basically told me she isn't going to tell me anything else about her life. Great. Well, I apologized so hopefully no permanent damage done.
But, honestly, her boyfriend ran away to be with her. Okay the "running away" phrase is all mine, but he flew to see her without telling his parents. He is already a sore subject for me in the first place, and I think he is like the stupidest person on the planet. It seems like his whole entire life revolves around my sister (based on what she has told me). And I KNOW that it was not a good idea for him to fly to see her without telling his parents. What a great way to endear the in-laws. Nicole thinks it's ridiculous for them to forbid that he come see her, but I think that's a good idea, even though I know it must hurt Nicole (I've been there). But if he doesn't want his parents telling him what to do then he needs to grow up and prove that he is capable of making good decisions on his own! He is such a dead-beat! He dropped out of college, lives with his older brother, and according to Nicole the only reason he even wants to get a job is so he can make money to come see her! Does he have no ambition in life except to woo her? Does she not have higher standards for the people she dates? I should probably stop here and say that I have never actually met him. He probably is a very nice person. I just don't understand why she is attracted to him. The number one thing that attracts me to a guy is intelligence. Daniel is very smart And along with that comes motivation, hard work, etc. Daniel is getting good grades, and he loves what he is doing and has a clear goal for what he wants to do when he graduates. Mike has none of that! Nicole has made it clear that it is very difficult to get kicked out of Rose and somehow, he did. I mean with their faculty-to-student ratio, he could have gotten private tutoring for goodness sake. He can't be stupid because he got in to Rose in the first place. Which is what scares me. I am afraid that he is so incredibly focused on Nicole that he completely neglected his schoolwork even though he is capable of doing it. And Nicole deserves someone as smart as she is. She is so so smart! She could marry a nobel proze winning physicist! That's who she deserves anyways. I know she would hate all of this if she read it. But I hope that she would also understand that everyone thinks that she deserves someone just as smart as she is. And I am pretty sure that everyone doesn't think that Mike is it.
Done ranting. Gotta go to class.
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