Friday, September 12, 2008

Fridays = boring!

Well today has been about as uneventful as a day can be. I had one hour of class this morning. I am kind of glad because it gets me out of bed at a reasonable hour. If I didn't have class, I probably would have slept in until 11 or 12. It was POURING rain outside. It had been raining since the night before so everything outside was very soggy. I did have the presence of mind to grab an umbrella so I didn't get soaking wet walking to and from class. But there were a few worms out. Yuck. Every time I see one, it gives me shivers. I don't know why. They just really creep me out. After class I took a nap because honestly I really didn't have anything better to do. At 1:00 Daniel came home so we ate lunch together and then he had to go back to class. Almost the entire campus has no class on Friday. I have just one hour. Daniel, however, has a full day of classes. He got home around 3:30 and we watched House together for a couple hours. I love that show. It's the scientist in me I think. At 5:00 Daniel had to meet downstairs to go on his retreat. I went down and waited with him until they left. And for about 20 minutes I was really sad, but then I got over it. Now I'm working my desk shift. I'm covering for Amanda tonight. She was signed up to work 6 hours straight, so now I am! I'm really glad though because it keeps me busy. There have been a lot of RAs and other DAs coming and checking in and saying hi so the time has gone by fast. And I've gotten a little bit of homework done. Not as much as I was planning on, but at least I got something done. Well this has been a sufficiently boring blog, so I think I'll go now. 2.5 hours left on my shift. And for some reason, the lobby really smells like pot. Very suspicious.

1 comment:

beth said...

dude i freaking love House! the new season starts this week!! did you hear he just signed a contract to get paid $400,000.00 per episode??? freaking crazy!