I fly home in a week for Beth's wedding! I hope that I will be to the point where I can just forget about school for a weekend and have fun. I don't want to be doing homework/studying the
entire time I'm there. That would suck. I am so so excited for the bachelorette party, and the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, and getting my hair and nails done and putting on a pretty dress and helping Beth get dressed and taking a ton of pictures and walking down the aisle and standing there watching Beth and Jake finally get married! EEEEEE!!! I am so jealous. I want a house and a husband and a child. By the time I'm there, Tyler will probably be like 10 years old. Weird.
Anyways, I'm trying to get ahead on all of my schoolwork so I won't have to worry about anything. I already arranged a makeup spanish quiz with my professor because I told her I couldn't be in class that day. It's going to totally suck to come back to campus after the wedding for another week. I'm going to have nothing to do but study. At least all my friends will be here. We'll probably do our girls night out thing again, I can look forward to that.
Update on the house: Daniel has been talking to his parents just about every day. His mom is executive director of Parenting Arizona and they just had a ton of funding cut by the government. So they are a little worried that she might lose her job. If she does, then obviously we aren't getting a house. Daniel's dad said it was about 50/50 that she would lose her job. He wants us to keep looking, start meeting with a real estate agent and looking at houses. He also upped our budget to $225 because he thinks in the current market we can negotiate down the price. Then Daniel talked to his mom and she was much more encouraging. She said it's a very slim chance she'll lose her job, and even if she does she is confident she will get another one. Psychologists are in high demand these days I guess. And she said that they are both really excited about the house. They remember their experience buying their first house and they are really happy to be able to help us with this. I think they're more anxious for us to get married than I am :-) So they are totally on board.
And the more we talk about it, the sooner we want to get this going. Neither Daniel and I want to be RAs next year. The thing is, we have to tell them if we accept the RA job. So for now we are going to accept it, and then we'll just quit later. Both of us don't want to be in Phoenix all summer long. And Hope is looking for a place in Denver for the summer too. That's three people that would like to have the house ready for summer break. So right now we're looking at buying in May sometime. Then we can spend the summer fixing it up and moving in and it'll be all ready when school starts in September. And we can let them know that we can't be RAs while school is still in so they can find replacements. The first order of business after we move in--- get a puppy! I want one so bad. The sooner we get a house, the sooner we get a puppy. We are also going to keep asking around to see who else needs a place for the summer and/or the school year. I really really want Hope and Jeff would be nice too, but he might live with some of Daniel's other fraternity brothers. I don't think it will be difficult to find roommates though. We have found 7 beautiful houses within 5 miles of campus with at least 3 bed/2 bath in our price range. One of them I particularly like.

It has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (so everyone gets their own), 3 car garage (so everyone can park their car), a fireplace (I personally really want a fireplace), and a front and back deck. Isn't it cute? But it's early yet and we have explicit instructions not to fall in love with any houses yet. Hopefully this weekend we'll start looking. I'm so excited! I love this time in my life. College is awesome. :-)
you know what's really weird, my mom is the one who called your mom to tell her that they were cutting her budget. That really sucks to call someone and tell them that you have to cut their budget and that they have to fire people. The govnt sucks! !@$^*
And because i'm your friend and i know you will still love me, i will tell you that i think that house is ugly! But also, if you like it then it's cool. sounds good with 3 bd 3 bath and 3 car spots. it sounds good for what you want.
cant wait to see you next week.
I had no idea that your mom is the one that told Julie. That's really weird and very unfortunate. I feel bad for your mom. It sucks to be the bearer of bad news.
And I would agree that it's not a nice-looking house. That's not really what I care about. When I said "it's cute", I meant it's small. But it has everything that we want, which is what makes me so excited. Honestly, I mostly just want a fireplace. I think it would be so romantic to have a fire going in the winter while it's snowing outside......
yeah,the fireplace in the snow is romantic!
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