Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hello, Mid-terms!

It's officially mid-terms week. I have 4, yes FOUR mid-terms this week. That means one test on Monday, another on Wednesday, another one on Thursday, and finally another on Friday. And I didn't even realize that until, like, yesterday. I have been majorly focused on my first Chemistry test tomorrow morning, and I didn't even realize that I have a physics test the next day. I did know that I had a biology test on Friday, but it kind of snuck up on me too. And I never worry about Spanish. I study the vocab words the night before and I usually get a 95%. As of now, I have completed my spanish test. I have spent hours of today and yesterday studying for chemistry, and I feel about 80% prepared right now. There are a couple concepts that I need to look over just to get them in my brain. I think I've pretty much given up on understanding acid/base chemistry. How am I supposed to know which one is the stronger acid? That's why there are tables with that kind of information. So I have resigned myself to getting those particular problems wrong, and hopefully making up for them by getting everything else 100% right. It's a long shot, but it's all I've got. I have shamefully missed two chemistry classes already this quarter. Something about Monday mornings makes me really really not want to get out of bed and I end up sleeping in sometimes. Luckily my professor lectures right out of the textbook, so I'm usually fine if I read that chapter extra carefully. Actually, I ended up reading pretty much all the chapters just because it helps me understand it better. I don't know why I'm more worried about this test than all the others. Maybe because it's my first chemistry test in 3 years. But also, I think it's because I really respect my professor and I don't want him to think he did a bad job teaching me. And of course I want the good grade, but that goes without saying.

I am second most worried about my physics final. And that is entirely the professor's fault. He barely speaks english, so I'm afraid that his questions will be difficult to understand. He also makes a lot of mistakes when he's doing example problems, so there is a definite possibility that he will make mistakes writing the test as well. And we have never seen what one of his problems look like. He gives us homework problems out of the textbooks. I have been able to do the homework with no problem, so I feel like I should be able to pass a test on the same material. But unless he gives us problems out of the book (which I have asked repeatedly and he keeps saying no) then I have never ever seen an example problem like what will be on the test. Oh, I take that back. He gave us a quiz last week. It had one question. And after staring at it for about 10 minutes, I randomly circled an answer and turned it in. It was a disaster. But I think everyone in the class had that same reaction, so that's kind of good.

The good thing that comes out of mid-terms week is.... the end of mid-terms week. When I go home this weekend, I will have just finished four tests which means no new material which means no homework and no test to study for. I will be able to completely enjoy my weekend. And I already have lots of plans! Dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Friday night, Lunch at Sarah's work on Saturday, visiting the Wickershams in the afternoon, church Sunday morning and the wedding shower that afternoon. Somewhere in there I need to get my nails done and I have thought about making a doctor's appointment, but I'm sort of torn. I don't really want to waste the time I'm home at the doctor's office, but when I'm at school it's nearly impossible to find time to drive the 30 minutes each way to my doctor here. Did I mention that I am super super excited!!!

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