Thursday, January 29, 2009


There have been some rumors floating around Nelson and Nagel the past week or so and I do not like it!  Two weeks ago, Jessica talked to Daniel about the rule with "cohabitation".  Someone who she wanted to remain anonymous came to her and told her that he/she thought I might be living in Daniel's room.  Of course I was, and Daniel told her that with no problem.  She said that's fine, but it needs to change.  So that weekend we moved some of my stuff out and then on room change day I changed to live in Nelson so we moved all my stuff into that room.  Problem solved.  Daniel did not get in trouble, and I did not get in trouble.  I no longer have a key to Daniel's room.  I honestly don't spend very much time in any dorm room.  I'm so busy that I'm always at class, or eating lunch, or at work.  So it doesn't really matter to me where I "live" because I'm never there.  So we did what Jessica wanted, and she was fine and we were fine and everything was great.
So I have to stop here and explain something.  Every person that lives in Nelson gets a key to their room.  The key is a card that looks like a credit card.  You swipe it, and the little light turns green and the door unlocks.  For people who share a room, one person is assigned to the "#1" spot and the other person to the "#2" spot so that both keys work in the same door.  At the front desk, Troy has control over all those keys.  He can activate them and deactivate them at his special computer. Up until now, Daniel was the only other person who also had that privilege.  When Troy was gone on the weekends, Daniel was responsible for the key system.  

Daniel is living in a room that is effectively a double.  Therefore, there are spots in the key system for Key "#1" and Key "#2".  I had been using the Key #2 until Jessica politely asked us to not cohabitate and we politely complied.  Apparently someone informed some people higher up in the housing department and every single Key #2 for the RA rooms was deactivated.  We were not really concerned because I don't use it anymore, but sort of curious and confused as to why they were doing this now.  Apparently, someone went to the director of the entire Housing department and she told the people under her who told the people under them and it got back to Jessica again. 

 Jessica and Daniel and I were all upset because we had solved the problem.  It was taken care of and there was no need for anyone else to get involved.  We don't know who exactly "tattled" to the higher authorities yet, but Jessica is going to find out soon.  It might be the same person who came to her two weeks ago.  We are very upset because this might affect Daniel getting hired for desk manager and me getting hired for resident assistant next year.  The higher up people may not know that it has already been fixed and may not hire Daniel because of that.  It seems to us that someone really wants to get us in trouble.  And we think we know who.  

Someone we thought was a very close friend, but apparently is NOT.  Anyways, we are not breaking any rules right now and people have no right to say that we are.  There was no reason for this person to go and tell all of the staff of the entire housing department.  I'm sure they have better things to be doing than worrying about an RA and his girlfriend for goodness sake!  So I think Daniel is going to be having a chat with this person that we are about 99% sure did all of the tattling.  But for now, Daniel and I are confident that we are doing nothing wrong and Jessica is also confident and she is going to fight for us and tell all of those higher up people that she took care of it.  And that person is apparently no longer our friend.


beth said...

what??!!?? how old is this "friend" this is rediculous. Maybe that rule is for people who didnt pay for dorms? you paid for yours, just because you are living in a different one doesnt mean that you are ripping the school off and that you should be punnished for it? holy cow!! that is dumb. Do you think it is your new roomate, who doesnt just want your stuff in her room?

Rachel said...

No it's not my roommate, she had nothing to do with it. It's all current staff who actually know the rules and everything. We think it's the guy that we spent New Year's with up at his house in the mountains. We haven't said anything to him, so I don't think he knows that we suspect him. I don't know why they have that rule, I agree with you. We're not hurting anyone and the university is still making money off me, so I don't see the big deal.