It's been quite an interesting past 24 hours. I woke up yesterday morning to an inch of snow on the ground and it was still coming down. The snowflakes were like huge cotton balls falling from the sky. They were so big that I could actually feel each flake that hit my face. I have to admit that I stuck my tongue out to eat some :-) It wasn't enough to cancel class of course, so I took off for my organic chemistry midterm. I actually felt kinda okay about it. I did practice problems here and there over the past week, and by the end I was getting most of them right on the first try. The test turned out to be really long. I am a fast test taker, and I'm usually one of the first done. Well it took me from 5 minutes before class usually starts to 5 minutes after class ends to do the whole test. And I was the second one done! The proctor announced five minutes left and I still had a whole problem left to do. Some of the problems were really involved too. So overall, I think I did okay. There was one concept that I just couldn't remember and I knew I got that wrong.
I had biology, and headed home. By that time the snow was coming down hard. It wasn't really cold, probably just at 32 so a lot of the snow was melting when it hit the ground and turned to slush. Everything was really wet. And this snow wasn't the kind that you can just brush off when you get inside. It sticks to you and everything gets really wet. Throughout the whole day it snowed, rained for 10 minutes, then snowed again. By 3:00 there was almost 6 inches on the ground and it was getting a little dangerous outside. Most everyone's evening activities were canceled, so a bunch of the RAs just ended up hanging out in the mail room. I went back there to grab my mail, and found like 6 of them just hanging out. It was strange. We never have enough time to just sit down and talk. It was really fun.
So for the past few weeks, I have been seriously craving chocolate. Good, dark (expensive) chocolate. When we went to Costco right after spring break, we bought a gift certificate for 2 pounds of See's chocolate. When you buy it there, you get it cheaper than at the actual store. So those 2 pounds ran out after about 3 weeks and I wanted some more. The roads were very slick and the snow was making visibility low, but I really wanted chocolate. I called See's to see if they were open, and they were. I convinced Daniel to drive me there (there's no way I was driving in the snow). There were a lot of people out on the roads, but it was really slow-going. Sitting at a red light, our entire windshield became covered with snow. Visibility was at about 1/2 mile I'd say. But we made it there and back safely, and with chocolate! That night Daniel and I both worked at the desk. I worked at Nelson, and he worked at Nagel. The snow just kept coming and coming. We got over a foot by nighttime. Then it started to get colder, and all the slush froze and turned to ice. That's when it's really dangerous to be out on the roads.
Recently all the staff in the residence halls had been informed of a criminal incident that occurred a few weeks ago. These two guys have been coming onto campus and going into the freshman dorm and trying doors to see if they are unlocked, presumably to steal peoples' stuff. Anyways, they were caught and campus safety took pictures of them to distribute to all the residence halls so we could keep an eye out for them. I guess one has come back repeatedly. They both have been known to fight with police and they have extensive criminal records. Well last night while I was working, I saw one of them. He had to buzz to get into the building, which means he doesn't have a DU ID that works for that building (he doesn't live there). He just kinda hung around until the elevator opened and went in. At first I wasn't sure it was him. I called Daniel and he told me to call campus safety anyways. I gave them a physical description: he was wearing a gray argyle sweater and no hat. They didn't know what argyle meant lol. The more I think about it, the more I am sure it was him. He has red hair which is pretty distinctive, and he had to buzz to get in, and he looked older and bigger than most college students, and he was by himself. Campus safety came in and walked through the building a few times, but they couldn't find him. I was a little creeped out the rest of the night. So I went to bed around 11pm, and Daniel took over until 1am. At 11:45, the power in the entire building went out. Actually, the entire campus plus 2 more blocks. Everyone poured out of their rooms into the hallways with flashlights. It was pretty insane. The RAs had to patrol the hallways and calm everyone down. They also had to enforce the rules because lots of dumb college students think that the power going out is a great excuse to go smoke pot or something. The fire department came to make sure nobody was stuck in the elevators. Nobody was in our building, but some people were in other buildings. Luckily, we have emergency lights. Nagel doesn't so it was completely black. The poor DA just sat there in complete darkness with no computer or anything. It must have been so scary. The power came back on at 1am, so it wasn't too long.
What a day.
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