I got a Twitter account. What finally did it for me was watching a TED talk from the creator. He made it look really cool. But so far, I'm unimpressed. I haven't really found anyone worth following or that updates regularly. I guess it isn't quite there yet. And honestly, isn't it just facebook? I mean "tweets" are just another word for "status updates" right? So why would I update my status twice? That's just kind of annoying. So we'll see where this goes.
Right now I have much more important things to worry about. Namely, finals. Yesterday I had a break-down moment. Daniel got upset with me and asked why I've been so mean to him lately. I realized that I've been so stressed out and I take it out on him sometimes. I feel terrible about it, so I'm trying hard to be nice. Daniel knows exactly what to do when I am overwhelmed and about to have a nervous breakdown. He hugs me until I calm down. It works every time. I don't know what I would do without him. Yesterday was actually a pretty busy day and I really didn't want to waste an hour and a half going to physics that evening. But, he was handing out the take-home final exam so I couldn't exactly skip it. When we got there, I realized that the entire class was just handing out the exam. He didn't lecture at all. That put me in a really good mood so the rest of the night I felt much better. And then I went out with all the girls to the Melting Pot. To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to going. It sounded like a lot of work to get all dressed up and drive there and all when I really should be studying. But after I did get all dressed up, I got excited and I'm glad I went. It was a good de-stressor. I always have a good time with the girls. And chocolate always helps.
It has been extremely cold since I got back to Denver. It snowed Monday night and I actually had to pull out my boots and coat. I really thought that spring was here for good, but I guess not. It's going to be in the 40s until I leave for Phoenix. Then it'll be in the 80s lol. It'll be nice though. On Monday when I get back, I'm going to chop all my hair off. I haven't decided exactly how short to go. Definitely above my shoulders, maybe even up to my chin. We'll see how adventurous I'm feeling that day. I was going through old pictures to see what I looked like with short hair, and I came across some old ones of Tyler. I found some videos that Daniel and I had taken so I posted them on facebook. They made me so happy. I watched them like 3 times. Babysitting Tyler made some of my happiest memories in high school.
So back to finals. I just took my spanish one which means I never ever have to take another spanish class or another spanish test again in my entire life! I am so happy about that. I find foreign languages incredibly boring. Last night I got my take-home final for physics which is due on Friday. Tomorrow morning is biology. I am going to spend most of my afternoon and evening preparing for that. Tomorrow and Friday I will study for my chemistry final which is on Saturday and then I fly home! This morning was my last biology lecture. I got back the quiz I took last week, and I got 100%! That was a huge motivator to keep studying hard so I can do well. I think at this point the highest I can hope for is a B+, but that's okay. I have worked really hard so no matter what I think I'll be okay with it.
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