Tonight at dinner I killed my third "assassins" victim. He didn't even see it coming. The game is over this weekend. I think we are going to see who has killed the most people, and that person wins. I have killed three right now. I looked up my next target on facebook and memorized her face. So we'll see... I just may get four before it's all over.
Mid-terms are finally done! I took my last one this morning. I did WAY better than I thought I would. Every single test took less than an hour which is usually a good thing. I felt confident so I think I did well. On biology I got a B+ which isn't bad. I really want to keep up all As, so I will have to do better on the next two exams to get an A in the class. But since I'm not falling asleep everyday anymore, that shouldn't be hard. I haven't gotten my grades back for spanish, psychology or Core (the one I took this morning), but they were very easy.
The past few days have been packed full of hanging out with friends and doing fun stuff. Last night Daniel and I attended a "values dinner". It's an event put on by the student life office. They invite pretty much everyone, and whoever RSVPs gets to go. There were about 50-60 people split up into 5-6 tables. It was completely free. We dressed in "business casual" (I never know what that means) and met up in the Gottesfeld room. It's a little room in our athletic center right under the bell tower. It is a beautiful room with chandeliers and elegant paintings and things on the walls. We had a three course meal. I didn't know anybody at my table, so I met 9 new people. There were little boxes on each table with 20ish questions inside. While we ate, we took turns going around and answering questions about our values. The questions were designed so that I really got to know the people at my table. We only spent an hour together, but by the end of the meal I knew a lot about each person. And I love any reason to get a free meal that's not in the dining hall.
Then after dinner Daniel and I went to Jeff's room for his "cookie dessert". He made up this crazy dessert. He takes a roll of cookie dough and spreads it in the bottom of a baking dish and bakes it. Then you scoop out a little of it, add a mound of ice cream, sprinkles, and tons of toppings, and sit in front of the TV and gorge yourself. Or at least that's what Jeff does. I just had a polite little serving of cookie. We had fun gossipping with Jeff and Nikki and her boyfriend Brian. The latest gossip is about the kid with the swimming pool in his room. This weekend the RAs on duty discovered that a resident had an inflatable pool in his room. He used his trash can to fill it up with water from the shower. He was in his bathing suit swimming in his dorm room. And when the RA came in, he promptly told her to take her shirt off and join him. So she called campus safety and they waited there while he took 2 hours to empty the pool one trashcan-full at a time. The things these crazy college kids think up. He must have been very intoxicated.
Today Daniel's boss, Jessica, asked me if I was planning on being an RA next year. I told her that I probably was. Then she asked that if a position opened up sooner than that, like this year, would I be interested? I told her yes. I didn't realize that there are rumors circulating that one of the RAs is going to quit. I am so excited at the prospect of being an RA! I love all of the staff here, and I know all the pro staff. I know all the rules and policies and everything. It would be a really easy transition, and I think Jessica thinks so too. So it seems that I may be offerred the job soon. And that means... free room and board! That's $10,000 off my school costs. It's still far from certain or even probable that they will pick me to replace the RA that quits, but it's a possibility.
I feel like this year I am so much more involved with everything on campus. I work for res life, the physics and astronomy department, and the office of admissions. I'm in choir and sweetheart of Theta Chi. Last year I was in nothing. I went to class and then hung out with my friends in the evenings. This is so much better. I get special privileges because I know the pro staff. And I am making a ton of money with all of my jobs. And I feel like I have a real investment in the school. Like I am making a difference on campus. Besides that, I have made triple the number of friends I had last year. I am always waving to people in the halls and I always have someone to eat lunch and dinner with. I love it! This year is awesome.
The quarter is half over. I will be back in Phoenix in six weeks. And I'm actually really looking forward to it. I miss my friends back home. And my family too. And who doesn't love Thanksgiving dinner? yum!!
My birthday is in 17 days. Daniel is planning a party for me here in our dorm. I haven't had a party in such a long time. 2 years actually. I remember my 18th as one of my favorite birthday parties ever. I think because of the people that were there. I hope this year is as good as that party.
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