Today at work I got to melt glass. Sort of. We have these small thin glass rods and we use them to work with tiny tissue samples. So today I got to put them over a flame to seal the ends shut and bend them to make a hook. It was fun. What is it about fire that is so fun? I also finished my ELISA test and it didn't come out right again. Errr it's so frustrating! All that work..3 days... for nothing. I never really mastered the ELISA but at least I got some practice doing it. The worst part is I don't really know what exactly went wrong. I think I'm just not naturally a very patient person and research in general takes a lot of patience. Tomorrow I am going to start on me and my mom's samples. I am doing an ApoE. I think it's like a 2-3 day process so I will have to finish it the beginning of next week. I'm glad to be doing something new again; I love learning new skills. Today was most of the interns' last day so I got a check. I will get another one when I complete the program. I'm glad I'm staying for another two weeks. There's more work to be done, and I would feel like I was leaving a lot of loose ends if I left after today.
Russell (the other intern) did immunohistochemistry today. That was the process that I did a million billion times for the past 3 weeks. I have it memorized and I could do it in my sleep so I was helping him. It's amazing what different techniques we have. I do things efficiently, quickly, yet correctly. He does things slowly and methodically. It drives me crazy. I have to hold myself back from just taking over and doing it myself because he's so slow. He took all day to do what usually took me about half a day. But oh well, it still turned out right and he learned the technique which is what's important.
After work I went to Daniel's house and he cooked dinner for me and his parents. It was nice to see them again. Daniel is such a good cook! He doesn't even follow recipes he just makes it up on his own. And I get to take leftovers to work tomorrow for lunch. His parents showed me pictures of their Mexico vacation and his mom bought me this really cool sarong bathing suit cover up thing. It's really pretty. It looked like they have a good time. His parents have such adventurous vacations! I am excited because I am going on a cruise with them to Mexico in December. His mom found this deal where it costs the same to have four people in a room as to have two people in a room, so Evan and Rennie will have a room, and his parents will share a room, and they want me to come to make it an even 6. I love cruises and I love his family, so it should be fun!
I can't believe that Mariah and Mercedes are leaving tomorrow. Just like that. They are being taken away once again from the only parents they know. I am so sorry for Chris and Aimee. I feel so terrible, I can't imagine how they must be feeling. Sorry guys. That just sucks. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!
"Promise me you'll always remember—you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." -- Christopher Robin to Winnie-the-Pooh
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Rollercoaster of a day
Today has been quite a day. I've had moments of happiness and lots of moments of stress. My presentation was today. I had to give a 5 minutes presentation to a bunch of families and researchers at work. I was really afraid that I would say something wrong or one of the other researchers would ask me a question that I wouldn't know how to answer. Well this morning Doug, my boss, was like why don't we look over your presentation and make sure there are no typos or anything. I was thinking "well, I have already submitted it so it's too late, but why not". So I just let him change things. Well as we went along he made a lot of important changes. So I really felt like I needed to use this corrected version. We also took a picture of one of my slides to stick in there which was a really important addition. So when we finished (about one hour before presentations begin) I ran it over to Brian's office and he replaced my old one with the new one. All morning I went back and forth between moments of complete panic to moments of complete calm. When it was my turn, I took a deep breath and went for it. When I was up there I just kind of talked like I was explaining it to a friend. I relaxed and it went really well I think. Most of the other interns did really well too. Some did terrible, but most did well. I was so happy to get it over with. Afterwards, Daniel came up and I showed him around the lab. It was fun to show him because I talk about it all the time. And I introduced him to my boss which was cool. But I really had work to do, so Daniel left and I finished my work. I did this ELISA test and it turned out really strange. Doug doesn't know what happened (it wasn't my fault), but anyways I have to start over and do it again tomorrow. That's what stinks about research. I spent 3 days working on this test and it came out wrong. Well, the standard worked which is good, but the rest of it came out strange.
Then I got home and we went to P.F. Chang's for dinner. Delicious. But, in the middle of dinner, Teresa called and asked if I was still coming to babysit. Crap. I didn't realize it was confirmed. I thought she would call me if she wanted me to babysit, but she thought it was already set. But I had such a stressful day, I really didn't want to go over there all night. My parents kinda got that vibe, so they volunteered to go for me. So now I feel terrible because I didn't show up to babysit and now I'm supposed to be there but instead it's my parents. It's not even worth it. I should have just gone. Cause now I'm tired and depressed and stressed and feeling really guilty. Ugh. Why do I have to have a conscience? It would be so much easier if I didn't care about responsibility. Alas, that's just not me.
Oh yeah, I got a $50 Visa gift card today at work. All the interns got one. And I get my check next week. I love earning money. Even if it's not that much, at least it's something. I don't even know what I'm going to do with it. Probably it will go towards buying a bed for Daniel's dorm room, or gas money, or tuition money.
That's another thing I'm stressed out about. My financial aid package was a whopping (sarcastic) $10,000 this year (with loans). That means that my parents/grandparents will be left paying about $25,000 this year for my tuition, room, and board. That's a lot of money. I think I'm sufficiently depressed now. I think I'll go bake some cookies.
Then I got home and we went to P.F. Chang's for dinner. Delicious. But, in the middle of dinner, Teresa called and asked if I was still coming to babysit. Crap. I didn't realize it was confirmed. I thought she would call me if she wanted me to babysit, but she thought it was already set. But I had such a stressful day, I really didn't want to go over there all night. My parents kinda got that vibe, so they volunteered to go for me. So now I feel terrible because I didn't show up to babysit and now I'm supposed to be there but instead it's my parents. It's not even worth it. I should have just gone. Cause now I'm tired and depressed and stressed and feeling really guilty. Ugh. Why do I have to have a conscience? It would be so much easier if I didn't care about responsibility. Alas, that's just not me.
Oh yeah, I got a $50 Visa gift card today at work. All the interns got one. And I get my check next week. I love earning money. Even if it's not that much, at least it's something. I don't even know what I'm going to do with it. Probably it will go towards buying a bed for Daniel's dorm room, or gas money, or tuition money.
That's another thing I'm stressed out about. My financial aid package was a whopping (sarcastic) $10,000 this year (with loans). That means that my parents/grandparents will be left paying about $25,000 this year for my tuition, room, and board. That's a lot of money. I think I'm sufficiently depressed now. I think I'll go bake some cookies.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Home Sweet Home
I really hate sleeping away from home. I love my bed. This weekend I was at UMW School of Missions with my mom, Linda Moore, Carla Whitmire, Arvilla, and Gretchen and Dan Miller. It was not nearly as boring as I thought it would be. It was pretty interesting. Mostly, it was nice hanging out with some ladies from the church. And just kind of affirming the idea that we should be accepting of all people, especially in church. Surprisingly, the part I liked most was reading my bible. It has been a long time since I have actually opened my bible and read it. It's actually quite pathetic. But this weekend, I remembered what it's like to read a passage and really study it. To try to understand where the writers are coming from, and what the significance of this passage is, and what Jesus was trying to say, and how it applies to my life now. It actually makes a lot of sense. I mean I love to study for school, why is the bible any different? I think that's why I like hearing Chris speak. Just like me, he takes a very intellectual perspective on the bible. He looks at the history and culture behind it. I always learned new things about bible times when we used to have bible studies in high school. Well, I was inspired this weekend and I really want to study the bible more. I am going to see if I can find a good devotional book that takes the same appraoch to bible study that I do. Maybe I will find one that Daniel and I can do together. We complement each other in a very good way for bible study. He's emotional, and I'm practical. He's a feeler and I'm a thinker. So it would be nice for us to study the bible together.
Part of this came out of a book I just finished reading called The Red Tent. It was about the story of Joseph (and the coat of many colors) but from the perspective of his sister Dinah. In the bible, there is just a short passage about Dinah being raped (Genesis 37 or something like that). So this author took what was given in the bible, and expanded it into a full story. So after reading that book, I wanted to read the bible and see what it had to say about the same story. It's remarkable how reading a fictional book can make the bible so much more understandable. Because of that novel, I can now probably recite the generations from Abraham and Sarah all the way down to Dinah. I know who married who and who had what sons and daughters just from the way the story was told.
Today I went out to lunch with some of the YAMS from church. When I agreed to go, I didn't know that certain people were going to be there. And when I found out they were, I was not thrilled to say the least. Part of me thinks I shouldn't judge them and I should just be nice and whatever. But then the other part of me says that I decided a long time ago that my life was much better without these people. And I just always left angry and upset when I was around them. I mean, there's a point that you just decide that a relationship is toxic and it needs to be cut out of your life to save everything else. Anyways, I successfully got through lunch without saying one word to them. So it turned out fine. I enjoyed everyone else there. It was so nice to see Kendra again! Daniel's coming over for dinner :-) It will be a good night.
Part of this came out of a book I just finished reading called The Red Tent. It was about the story of Joseph (and the coat of many colors) but from the perspective of his sister Dinah. In the bible, there is just a short passage about Dinah being raped (Genesis 37 or something like that). So this author took what was given in the bible, and expanded it into a full story. So after reading that book, I wanted to read the bible and see what it had to say about the same story. It's remarkable how reading a fictional book can make the bible so much more understandable. Because of that novel, I can now probably recite the generations from Abraham and Sarah all the way down to Dinah. I know who married who and who had what sons and daughters just from the way the story was told.
Today I went out to lunch with some of the YAMS from church. When I agreed to go, I didn't know that certain people were going to be there. And when I found out they were, I was not thrilled to say the least. Part of me thinks I shouldn't judge them and I should just be nice and whatever. But then the other part of me says that I decided a long time ago that my life was much better without these people. And I just always left angry and upset when I was around them. I mean, there's a point that you just decide that a relationship is toxic and it needs to be cut out of your life to save everything else. Anyways, I successfully got through lunch without saying one word to them. So it turned out fine. I enjoyed everyone else there. It was so nice to see Kendra again! Daniel's coming over for dinner :-) It will be a good night.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Busy Bee!
Today was the busiest day I have had at work in a long time. I finished my ELISA test, and it didn't turn out very good. I left work very disappointed in myself. I'm such a perfectionist so I want to get everything right on the first time, but in research and laboratory science that's just not realistic. Sherlin graciously told me to cheer up and not to be so hard on myself, but I tried so hard to do everything right. There's just like a million things that can go wrong and when it's my first time, I'm just reading instructions and trying to follow all of it perfectly. It didn't turn out horribly, just not perfect. There were a lot of math calculations involved with concentrations and stuff. I know I did the calculations right, but I'm pretty sure I pipetted some of it wrong. Tomorrow Doug (my boss) is going to work with me on a protein assay to practice. So all I can do is try to do better next time.
Today at work Brian, the guy who hired me, asked me when I'm taking my MCATs. I told him I'm not planning on medical school. That started a whole conversation with my whole lab pretty much. The truth is, I've been thinking about it a lot. Daniel has told me a few times that he would support me going to medical school. Originally I didn't want to go to medical school because I didn't want to be in school for another 4 years and I didn't want to be a doctor because I didn't want to work long crazy stressful hours. But I have discovered via my coworkers that really it's only two years of school and then two years of on-the-job training (rotations and residency) and that doctors often can work regular hours (like in a family practice). And I was thinking how great it would be to work as a pediatrician and help sick kids. And then Sherlin and Joshua told me that I would be a great candidate for a M.D./Ph.D. Now THAT is ambitious! U of A Phoenix has a program that takes 7 years. So the idea is that I could do research from a clinical perspective. What good is research without applying it to patients anyways, right? The question is, do I want to go to school for that long, and can I afford to go to school that long? I am definitely an overachiever and that matches me. Sherlin told me she thought I should be a doctor because of the kind of person I am. It suits me. I will have to think about it long and hard for the next few years.
I am exhausted. I was busy ALL DAY. Like I didn't have 5 minutes of doing nothing. I have discovered that working in a lab means doing LOTS of dishes. Yuck. I am so tired of washing dishes. This weekend I am doing UMW School of Missions. I just hope that it's not completely boring. And I hope that I learn something. I know that my faith has kind of been on the back burner for a few years. I just keep ignoring it because if I think about it then I feel like I have to put work into it and actually do something about it. So maybe this weekend will inspire me to really work on it. Or maybe not. Daniel and I are planning on finding a methodist church in Denver. Now that we have a car (!!) we can drive to church. I am so ready to go back to Denver. I miss class as crazy as that sounds. I miss learning new things. I used to tell Daniel every evening at dinner all the amazing things I learned that day (usually in psychology or physics). I love science. It makes so much sense and it's so interesting and everything fits together perfectly ordered. Ha. I'm crazy.
Today at work Brian, the guy who hired me, asked me when I'm taking my MCATs. I told him I'm not planning on medical school. That started a whole conversation with my whole lab pretty much. The truth is, I've been thinking about it a lot. Daniel has told me a few times that he would support me going to medical school. Originally I didn't want to go to medical school because I didn't want to be in school for another 4 years and I didn't want to be a doctor because I didn't want to work long crazy stressful hours. But I have discovered via my coworkers that really it's only two years of school and then two years of on-the-job training (rotations and residency) and that doctors often can work regular hours (like in a family practice). And I was thinking how great it would be to work as a pediatrician and help sick kids. And then Sherlin and Joshua told me that I would be a great candidate for a M.D./Ph.D. Now THAT is ambitious! U of A Phoenix has a program that takes 7 years. So the idea is that I could do research from a clinical perspective. What good is research without applying it to patients anyways, right? The question is, do I want to go to school for that long, and can I afford to go to school that long? I am definitely an overachiever and that matches me. Sherlin told me she thought I should be a doctor because of the kind of person I am. It suits me. I will have to think about it long and hard for the next few years.
I am exhausted. I was busy ALL DAY. Like I didn't have 5 minutes of doing nothing. I have discovered that working in a lab means doing LOTS of dishes. Yuck. I am so tired of washing dishes. This weekend I am doing UMW School of Missions. I just hope that it's not completely boring. And I hope that I learn something. I know that my faith has kind of been on the back burner for a few years. I just keep ignoring it because if I think about it then I feel like I have to put work into it and actually do something about it. So maybe this weekend will inspire me to really work on it. Or maybe not. Daniel and I are planning on finding a methodist church in Denver. Now that we have a car (!!) we can drive to church. I am so ready to go back to Denver. I miss class as crazy as that sounds. I miss learning new things. I used to tell Daniel every evening at dinner all the amazing things I learned that day (usually in psychology or physics). I love science. It makes so much sense and it's so interesting and everything fits together perfectly ordered. Ha. I'm crazy.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
My blood is in the freezer.
Yesterday at work I finally learned how to process blood. I learned the procedure that takes the blood from directly out of the veins of the subject into 6 different tubes: 2 of plasma, 2 of plasma pellets, and 2 of white blood cell pellets. So this morning at my mom's lab, we both had our blood drawn and then I took it to work and processed it. I was nervous because it was the first time I did it all by myself. It's not a hard procedure, there's just like 2 kind of tricky parts. I was mostly afraid I would mess it up and then I wouldn't get to test myself. But now both me and my mom have our samples in the freezer and next week when I get some free time I will do the ApoE test. It takes 3-4 days total to do the test, so it'll be at least a week before I know my genotype. But I am super excited. The results will tell me (and my mom) whether or not I have a '4' allele. If I do have the '4', it means I have at least a 20 times more likely chance of getting Alzheimer's. About half of people with Alzheimer's have the '4'.
Work has been really awesome lately. I've been learning lots of new techniques. Every time I learn something new, I am so excited! I keep thinking about my chemistry labs and stuff when I will already know how to do stuff. And what kind of jobs I can get with the skills I have learned. The other people that work in my lab are all so nice. They are always willing to help me and tell me little tips and tricks to make things easier. Everyone is nice and respectful and they don't mind answering my million questions I ask each day. They must be so tired of hearing "Where does this go?" But they are very patient with me. I will genuinely miss the lab.
Yesterday I seriously felt like the luckiest girl in the world. My mom dropped me off at Daniel's house on the way home from work. When I walked in, dinner was almost ready. Daniel handed me a glass of wine and the table was set beautifully. In about ten minutes we sat at the table and he served up a beautiful meal. We had salad and fettuccine alfredo with little vegetables put in and chicken marinated in italian sauce cut up in the pasta. Then for dessert a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate ice cream. Yummy!! Isn't Daniel the best? The dinner was so delicious and I was tired after work and it was just perfect. I love him.
Work has been really awesome lately. I've been learning lots of new techniques. Every time I learn something new, I am so excited! I keep thinking about my chemistry labs and stuff when I will already know how to do stuff. And what kind of jobs I can get with the skills I have learned. The other people that work in my lab are all so nice. They are always willing to help me and tell me little tips and tricks to make things easier. Everyone is nice and respectful and they don't mind answering my million questions I ask each day. They must be so tired of hearing "Where does this go?" But they are very patient with me. I will genuinely miss the lab.
Yesterday I seriously felt like the luckiest girl in the world. My mom dropped me off at Daniel's house on the way home from work. When I walked in, dinner was almost ready. Daniel handed me a glass of wine and the table was set beautifully. In about ten minutes we sat at the table and he served up a beautiful meal. We had salad and fettuccine alfredo with little vegetables put in and chicken marinated in italian sauce cut up in the pasta. Then for dessert a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate ice cream. Yummy!! Isn't Daniel the best? The dinner was so delicious and I was tired after work and it was just perfect. I love him.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Mariah just gave her barbie a bath in the toilet. The bathroom floor is covered in water and her barbie is soaking wet. Ahhh children. Hilarious.
Yay for the weekend!
Thank goodness it's Saturday. I needed the extra sleep this morning. Work has been a little boring lately. As an intern, I basically just do what I am told. So if nobody gives me anything to do, I am stuck trying to look busy all day. I feel guilty if I'm not doing something that's actual work. And 3 weeks ago I was told not to read a book or surf non-science related websites while at work (facebook is blocked anyways). So I'm not left with many options that don't explicitly contradict rules I was given. Usually I just try to surf science-related websites, or do dishes, or just basically clean up the lab. Yesterday I did a lot of this. Sometimes people make up a solution and just leave it there. Nobody knows what it is, so it just sits there for weeks and weeks. So finally yesterday I just threw away a bunch of stuff that had been lying around for a while. And I did inventory of the freezer. That was really fun. Our freezer is kept at -80 degrees celcius (about -140 farenheit). There are important samples in there and if they thaw and re-freeze, they are basically ruined. Our job was to take out boxes, write down the numbers written on each little tube (81 in each box), and if there is space then consolidate boxes down. To keep everything cold, we have to take only two boxes out at a time and they have to constantly be surrounded on all sides by dry ice. Every box and the entire freezer is covered in a layer of frost so every time we open it, chunks of ice fall off and melt onto the floor. We also have to use these big mittens to touch things because it's so cold. And then we have to rub off the ice and read the top of each little tiny bottle. Needless to say, it's a very cold job. And to make it worse, when the freezer gets above -70 degrees, an alarm goes off. Just opening the freezer for 30 seconds causes it to raise about 5 degrees each time, so that happens a lot. But we finished that so I won't have to do it again. At least I felt somewhat useful.
There are a lot of crazy rules in the lab. For example, yesterday I had to take these boxes off the shelf in the lab, put them on a wheeled cart, and wheel them to another room. In that room is a sterile hood. I had to take each box off the cart, set it under the hood, turn the top 180 degrees, and put it back on the cart to back into the lab. There actually is a reason for this. When we sterilize things, they get really hot. If the tops of the boxes were on correctly, the pressure would build and they would explode. So we put the tops on wrong so there's space for the pressure to escape. When they are finished, we have to let them air dry. But if the tops are on wrong, then un-sterile air can get in and contaminate them. So we have to put them under a sterile hood and put the tops on right so that they are sealed and protected. I really felt OCD doing that whole procedure. I felt ridiculous. But at least I know that all of our tips are sterile!
Today I am going to church to scrapbook and then my family is going over to Daniel's house for dinner and then I'm babysitting for the Francis'. I'm excited for church tomorrow. I'm playing the piano and it's been a few weeks since I have gone. I really like going and sitting with Daniel. It makes me feel like we're married or living together or something.
Right now Nicole is babysitting Mariah and Mercedes. They just wandered in here looking for the kitty haha. I think I'll go play with them. They're so cute!
There are a lot of crazy rules in the lab. For example, yesterday I had to take these boxes off the shelf in the lab, put them on a wheeled cart, and wheel them to another room. In that room is a sterile hood. I had to take each box off the cart, set it under the hood, turn the top 180 degrees, and put it back on the cart to back into the lab. There actually is a reason for this. When we sterilize things, they get really hot. If the tops of the boxes were on correctly, the pressure would build and they would explode. So we put the tops on wrong so there's space for the pressure to escape. When they are finished, we have to let them air dry. But if the tops are on wrong, then un-sterile air can get in and contaminate them. So we have to put them under a sterile hood and put the tops on right so that they are sealed and protected. I really felt OCD doing that whole procedure. I felt ridiculous. But at least I know that all of our tips are sterile!
Today I am going to church to scrapbook and then my family is going over to Daniel's house for dinner and then I'm babysitting for the Francis'. I'm excited for church tomorrow. I'm playing the piano and it's been a few weeks since I have gone. I really like going and sitting with Daniel. It makes me feel like we're married or living together or something.
Right now Nicole is babysitting Mariah and Mercedes. They just wandered in here looking for the kitty haha. I think I'll go play with them. They're so cute!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I'm home :-)
Yay! I'm home! And I have a very busy night. And I have to go back to work tomorrow. But I will get to sleep in my bed tonight!
Can I just say, it really sucks living with your parents. That is profound enough that I will end this blog now.
Can I just say, it really sucks living with your parents. That is profound enough that I will end this blog now.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Ready to go home
I am tired of vacation. I want my own bed and my own bathroom. I want even more to go back to school. I want my dorm room back where I can do whatever I want whenever I want. Where I can be with Daniel whenver I want (and have time to myself too). I am tired of having to deal with my parents. My dad annoys me so much. I need to get away and feel independent. I miss going to parties with a bunch of college people and meeting new people. I miss getting dressed up and doing my makeup and going out for dinner and a party. I need to be around other people my age! I miss my friends at school who are not judgmental and I really enjoy hanging out with. I want to sit down and have dinner with 12 other people in the dining hall and complain about how hard my classes are and how stupid some of the other students are. I want to feel the sense of accomplishment that comes from grocery shopping and doing laundry and completing homework assignments. I need to go back to Denver! Soon!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Still on Vacation
Thursday was a really fun day. My family and Daniel played a round of mini-golf in the morning (I won!) and then we went to the administration building to inquire about holding our wedding there at Estes Park. We sat down with a lady and she told us the process involved with reserving the lodge and how much it would cost and how many people it would hold, etc. And she told us that it doesn't cost anything to reserve it now, and that if we wanted to we could go ahead. So we did. That's right, we reserved our wedding location for October 20-21, 2012. Mark your calendars! About two years before the reserve dates, they will call us and ask if we want to make it official and then we will put down a deposit. In October it snows, and then melts the next day. So I think it would be beautiful if there was snow coming down outside while we are getting married. I'm so excited!! And the place we reserved will be able to sleep about 80 people so friends from out of town can come and they won't have to pay for a hotel. But of course the wedding party will get our own cabin to get ready (got that Beth, Sarah, and Nicole?).
Then we met the Cylwiks in town and ate lunch at this great BBQ place and then we went and rode go-karts. We used to do that every year when we were kids and we haven't done it for a few years so it was really fun to reminisce. Scott and Eric were bumping people and going really slow purposely blocking the whole road so they both had their engines cut by the manager of the go-kart place. Haha serves them right. They were conspiring against Daniel and I. They wanted to spin us into the tires, but were unsuccessful. Then that night a bunch of our fly-fishing guide friends came over to the cabin for one last margarita party before we leave for AZ. The great thing is that a lot of the guys and girls that work for them are my age, so Daniel and I got to meet a bunch of other college kids that are working there this summer. And we had enough margaritas to feel good, but not get drunk. It was a great last night. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep at all that night. My sunburn hurt so bad, everytime I rolled over it was painful. And I was so hot and I was having weird dreams. I don't think I slept a bit. And I kept Daniel up all night cause I was tossing and turning. He was worried about me.
So now I'm in Utah. Officially mormonsville. It's kinda creepy. Daniel and I left early yesterday morning and drove 90 minutes down to Denver and got on a 90 minute flight to Salt Lake City. Once we landed, we called this shuttle company that picks us up at the airport and drives us to Logan. We had to wait 45 looooong minutes (they told us it would be 20) before it finally picked us up and then it was like another 90 minute drive to get to Logan, UT. We are staying in an apartment that is used for university students during the school year and sunbirds in the summer. It's kind of funny because old people see us walking around and they're like "what are a bunch of young people doing here?" So grandma and grandpa introduce us to all their friends and they think we're so cute and everything. Last night we went to see the opera "Aida". It was great! I have never been to a real opera before. It was in Italian, but they had slides projecting the english words so you could understand what was going on. Tonight we're seeing "1776" which is a musical about the constitutional congress. Today we also went out to pizza for lunch, went to this great art museum, and had ice cream. We're going to have dinner and then go to the show tonight.
I've been on vacation for 1 week and 4 days, and I am ready to go home. Even if that means I have to go back to work. I miss my room and my bed and being able to do what I want to do away from my parents. I am so glad that Daniel is here though. I love spending so much time with him (especially planning our wedding!)
Then we met the Cylwiks in town and ate lunch at this great BBQ place and then we went and rode go-karts. We used to do that every year when we were kids and we haven't done it for a few years so it was really fun to reminisce. Scott and Eric were bumping people and going really slow purposely blocking the whole road so they both had their engines cut by the manager of the go-kart place. Haha serves them right. They were conspiring against Daniel and I. They wanted to spin us into the tires, but were unsuccessful. Then that night a bunch of our fly-fishing guide friends came over to the cabin for one last margarita party before we leave for AZ. The great thing is that a lot of the guys and girls that work for them are my age, so Daniel and I got to meet a bunch of other college kids that are working there this summer. And we had enough margaritas to feel good, but not get drunk. It was a great last night. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep at all that night. My sunburn hurt so bad, everytime I rolled over it was painful. And I was so hot and I was having weird dreams. I don't think I slept a bit. And I kept Daniel up all night cause I was tossing and turning. He was worried about me.
So now I'm in Utah. Officially mormonsville. It's kinda creepy. Daniel and I left early yesterday morning and drove 90 minutes down to Denver and got on a 90 minute flight to Salt Lake City. Once we landed, we called this shuttle company that picks us up at the airport and drives us to Logan. We had to wait 45 looooong minutes (they told us it would be 20) before it finally picked us up and then it was like another 90 minute drive to get to Logan, UT. We are staying in an apartment that is used for university students during the school year and sunbirds in the summer. It's kind of funny because old people see us walking around and they're like "what are a bunch of young people doing here?" So grandma and grandpa introduce us to all their friends and they think we're so cute and everything. Last night we went to see the opera "Aida". It was great! I have never been to a real opera before. It was in Italian, but they had slides projecting the english words so you could understand what was going on. Tonight we're seeing "1776" which is a musical about the constitutional congress. Today we also went out to pizza for lunch, went to this great art museum, and had ice cream. We're going to have dinner and then go to the show tonight.
I've been on vacation for 1 week and 4 days, and I am ready to go home. Even if that means I have to go back to work. I miss my room and my bed and being able to do what I want to do away from my parents. I am so glad that Daniel is here though. I love spending so much time with him (especially planning our wedding!)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Hiking = death!!
Okay, maybe that is a little overdramatic. Last night, we prepared by making sandwiches and packing our backpacks with water and snacks and raingear, etc. I was told that we would leave at 8:15am so I thought okay, I'll get up at 7:30. At 6:40 my dad came in and said nope! We're leaving at 7:15 instead. Great. So I woke up in a wonderful mood (that was sarcastic). I insisted on doing my hair and a little makeup because I knew we were going to take lots of pictures (which we did) but I was still ready on time. Too bad everyone else wasn't. We didn't actually make it to the trail until about 8:30am. Going on the hike was my parents, me and Daniel, Ed Cylwik, his sons Scott (23) and Eric (21), and Ed's niece and nephew Kelly (18) and Brian (21). All of the Cylwiks have been up here so are used to the altitude. They took a very brisk pace the first 1/2 mile, so my Mom decided that she wasn't up to the hike and went back to the cabin. The rest of us suffered through a rigorous hike. It was 3 miles, 950 feet elevation gain. Except we decided to save time so we would take the Forest Service trail which cuts about 25 minutes. And that means it's much steeper than the normal trail. So we got up to Loch Vale in about 90 minutes. I was very out of breath and I had blisters on both my heels, but I made it. The Cylwiks decided to continue another 2 miles (and another 1000 feet elevation gain) to Sky Pond. We stayed at Loch Vale and Daniel and my Dad went fishing while I napped on a relatively comfortable rock. After an hour or so of being eaten alive by bugs and catching nothing, we decided to move on to Mills Lake. This was .8 miles down the trail, and then .6 miles back up in a different direction. My blisters were seriously hurting at this point, but I thought as long as we're going downhill I will be okay. So we went to Mills Lake which was absolutely gorgeous. It was nice to spend some time with Daniel and my Dad and just be up in the mountains. Except for the bugs and the sunburn and the blisters and the sore muscles, it was a wonderful day. Overall, we hiked about 8 miles at an average of 11,000 ft. elevation. We got home at about 4:30, so it was a long day. But I got a lot of good exercise. Now my nose is seriously sunburnt and my arms too and my muscl
es are really hurting (especialy the gluteus maximus ones hah).
Here's some of my favorite pictures:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Still in the Mountains
So it's Tuesday and I've been here for 3-4 days. We went and picked up Daniel from Denver on Sunday and I was so happy to see him! It was killing me though because I couldn't really talk to him or spend time with him until a few hours later cause he was still working as a counselor. We showed my parents around campus (as much as we could because it was pouring rain) and then stopped in Loveland for dinner on our way back up here to Estes Park. It is so nice having Daniel here. Everything is way more fun with him and he just makes me happy. So now we are on the porch of Admin and he is doing some stuff for his fraternity and I'm writing a blog!
Yesterday we went horseback riding to Mills Creek. It was a 3 hour ride and today I think every single muscle in my body is mad at me. Our guide was first, his name was Patrick and he rode Yo-Yo. Then behind him was Daniel on Snoopy, me on Boots, and my mom on Joey. Patrick was such a typically cowboy it made me laugh. Snoopy stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth almost the entire ride. Boots really liked to stick his nose right up in Snoopy's butt. And Joey was a little short horse that for some reason was always like 10 feet behind me and Boots. Joey just wanted to go at her own pace I guess. It poured rain for about 2 hours of the ride so we got soaked and my fingers were numb. Towards the end of the ride, I heard my mom yell "stop!" and looked back and she was standing on the trail and Joey was running up to catch up with us. I guess Joey sorta stumbled on the trail and my mom fell off. Everyone was okay, and the rest of the ride went fine. We just took it easy on the trotting for a little while. For the last 30 minutes, I was really starting to hurt. The inside of my knees hurt the most. I've had problems with them since freshman year of high school. And today it's actually my back, and of course those little bones that you sit on that are hurting the most.
After the ride we went out to dinner to the Dunraven Inn, it's a really fancy italian place in town. We went with a bunch of friends, 11 people total. Then us 'kids' watched Space Balls before bed. It was a nice day. Today Daniel and I are going to the craft shop and we'll just hang around here. Tomorrow all 11 of us are hiking up to Sky Pond. It's a pretty long hike with a large elevation gain, so we'll see how it goes. We're going to have a picnic lunch at the lake and go fishing.
It's been really nice having Daniel here. But it's really hard because we haven't seen each other for two weeks, and now we're on vacation with my parents so we have to be on our 'best behavior' if you know what I mean. But in a week we'll both be back in Phoenix and I'll be back at work. I miss work a little bit. I keep wondering what's going on while I'm here. There was a huge article in the newspaper yesterday in Arizona about Sun Health Research Institute. Daniel's Mom saved it for me. Oh it's raining now! Just sprinkling really. It smells so good up here when it rains. And there's big dark clouds so it'll probably thunder too! Time to go to the craft shop. I'm gonna weave a basket! Exciting I know.
Yesterday we went horseback riding to Mills Creek. It was a 3 hour ride and today I think every single muscle in my body is mad at me. Our guide was first, his name was Patrick and he rode Yo-Yo. Then behind him was Daniel on Snoopy, me on Boots, and my mom on Joey. Patrick was such a typically cowboy it made me laugh. Snoopy stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth almost the entire ride. Boots really liked to stick his nose right up in Snoopy's butt. And Joey was a little short horse that for some reason was always like 10 feet behind me and Boots. Joey just wanted to go at her own pace I guess. It poured rain for about 2 hours of the ride so we got soaked and my fingers were numb. Towards the end of the ride, I heard my mom yell "stop!" and looked back and she was standing on the trail and Joey was running up to catch up with us. I guess Joey sorta stumbled on the trail and my mom fell off. Everyone was okay, and the rest of the ride went fine. We just took it easy on the trotting for a little while. For the last 30 minutes, I was really starting to hurt. The inside of my knees hurt the most. I've had problems with them since freshman year of high school. And today it's actually my back, and of course those little bones that you sit on that are hurting the most.
After the ride we went out to dinner to the Dunraven Inn, it's a really fancy italian place in town. We went with a bunch of friends, 11 people total. Then us 'kids' watched Space Balls before bed. It was a nice day. Today Daniel and I are going to the craft shop and we'll just hang around here. Tomorrow all 11 of us are hiking up to Sky Pond. It's a pretty long hike with a large elevation gain, so we'll see how it goes. We're going to have a picnic lunch at the lake and go fishing.
It's been really nice having Daniel here. But it's really hard because we haven't seen each other for two weeks, and now we're on vacation with my parents so we have to be on our 'best behavior' if you know what I mean. But in a week we'll both be back in Phoenix and I'll be back at work. I miss work a little bit. I keep wondering what's going on while I'm here. There was a huge article in the newspaper yesterday in Arizona about Sun Health Research Institute. Daniel's Mom saved it for me. Oh it's raining now! Just sprinkling really. It smells so good up here when it rains. And there's big dark clouds so it'll probably thunder too! Time to go to the craft shop. I'm gonna weave a basket! Exciting I know.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Up in the Rocky Mountains
So I'm here at Estes Park and I finally have a chance to get online. The administration building is the only place with wi-fi, so I have to bring my computer up here and log on. So I'm sitting outside looking up at the Rocky Mountains with patches of snow on them. It's about 70 degrees with a slight breeze. There are some big thunder clouds rolling in and it looks like we might have a storm in a few hours. I love it up here! I haven't done a whole lot since I got here. On our way up, we stopped in Telluride which is the most beautiful (and expensive) little town I have ever seen. We saw this medum sized fixer-upper house going for 1.6 million. Wow. And the whole town is perfectly manicured every house is cute and they have miles and miles of walking pathways along a little creek. So anyways, we met some of my parents' friends there and had dinner at a little ski resort. Then we drove on to Ridgeway where we spent the night. The next morning we met those same people for breakfast and then they showed us their house up on a little mountain with incredible views. And I got to go pet their horses and their doggies and one cat that thinks its a dog. ha. And finally we were on our way here to Estes. We got here about 6pm on Thursday evening. And I've mostly been lounging around enjoying the scenery, and eating good food. Everything tastes better when you eat it on the porch of a cabin. I am really excited because we are picking up Daniel tomorrow in Denver. I miss him so much. Two weeks is too long! But now we will get to do lots of stuff together and we will be together 24 hours a day (literally - we're sharing a room). On the agenda for the next week is horseback riding, hiking and a picnic and fishing, high ropes course, craft shop (I think I might make a basket) and lots of walks and reading and cooking and eating. How relaxing. Last night we went up on this mountain and sat in the chapel way up there and watched fireworks from town. It was just amazing. And I was looking at possible locations for our wedding if we decide to have it up here. There's a reunion home that sleeps 72-80 people and has two big living room areas divided by a two-sided fireplace. One will sit 80 people to eat, and the other area would be great for dancing and perhaps a reception. It sounds perfect, doesn't it? It's like $1800 a night. And that would be the wedding location, reception, and housing for all my guests! Plus it has an industrial sized kitchen and huge picture windows with the snow-covered mountains in the background and a beautiful fireplace to keep everyone nice and cozy. My parents like the idea, and Daniel has always said he wants to get married up here. In October, they have nice days, but also some cold days, so it would be a toss-up if we wanted to get married outdoors. It's so fun to think about. Okay I've written enough. Just think of me sitting up here outside in the mountains with the love of my life :-)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I'm leaving, on a jet plane
just kidding. I'm actually leaving in a car tomorrow morning bright and early! My parents and I are driving to Telluride tomorrow and then to Estes on Thursday. I am so excited to be up in the beautiful mountains where it's nice and cool and I have nothing to do but read good books and go hiking and horseback riding. I definitely need a break from work. Working so many hours has been exhausting. I feel like I have no time to do anything but work. By the time I get home, it's time for dinner, and then I have like 2 hours before I have to go to bed because I have to get up so early the next morning! So it will be nice to have a few weeks to relax and sleep in and enjoy my free time. And I will get to see Daniel again. I am so used to having him around all the time and getting to see him throughout the day and have lunch together and dinner and spend time after dinner. It's been really hard being apart so much this summer and especially the past week that he's been in Colorado without me. But thank goodness I am keeping so busy or else I would miss him more than I already do. For 10 whole days we will be together 24 hours. And I can't wait to take cute pictures in the mountains! I'm taking my computer with me so I will still be connected to the rest of the world. Nicole just brought me a big bowl of chocolate ice cream. That is so nice of her! What a kind sister. So anyways, see you in Colorado!
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