Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wedding Planning

Daniel and I are meeting with the wedding advisor for DU in a couple weeks. Which means that we are really going to start wedding planning now. We have a date and a location which is a good start. I have so many ideas in my head, but I don't know where to go from there. It's hard to figure out what's within our budget. I'm sure it will become clear as time goes on. It's so exciting that the wedding is less than 2 years away. Before, it seemed so far away it wasn't even worth thinking about. But 2 years isn't that long. People buy their wedding dress 18 months ahead of time. Which means I can start looking this summer. I'm so excited to look in Chicago. I don't know any good bridal salons in Phoenix or Denver, but I know there will be fantastic places in Chicago. And my sister will be able to go with me! It's going to be great. The big thing Daniel and I have been talking about lately is the color. It's going to be a winter wedding, so I think shades of blue and silver would be really nice. Maybe Navy blue, or maybe regular blue. But Daniel really likes forest green. I think it could come out looking a little too Christmasy. Another point of discussion- the ring bearer. Daniel wants Jackson to do it. I think that is so tacky! I love Jackson, but I do not want a dog in our wedding. I think Tyler would be a perfect ring bearer, especially since Beth is going to be in the wedding anyways. I guess it's a little early to worry about that, but I know for sure I DO NOT want Jackson to be the ring bearer.


Chris Wickersham said...

you KNOW you want tiny twins to be in your wedding :)

Rachel said...

I do! But Daniel doesn't. We do agree that we want you to officiate though :-) I'll work on Daniel about Olivia and Sarah. I think they would be adorable flower girls.