I actually have skipped 4 chemistry classes in a row. Oddly enough, I feel like I understand this chapter better than any other chapter. Instead of rushing to copy down notes as fast as I can in class at 9am when I'm really tired, I can do it at my own pace. He posts his powerpoints online, so I copy them down with the textbook in front of me to fill in the gaps. Maybe this chapter was already easy, but either way this method worked much better for me than attending class.
It's very tempting to skip that class on Friday because it's from 9-10 and that's the only class I have. So I have to wake up early and drive to campus just for 50 minutes of class. Then I have to sit around for 2 hours until Daniel is done or drive home and drive back 90 minutes later. It's very inconvenient no matter what. So it's easier for me to just skip class and sleep in, which I do not mind at all of course.
Julie (Daniel's mom) bought us tickets to see two shows in Vegas in December. We are all going to a magic show where this guy makes planes and helicopters and stuff disappear. And just the girls (me, Nicole, Julie, and Evan's girlfriend Kristy) are going to see a Chippendale's show. I mentioned it just as a joke, but it actually sounds like fun. Hopefully it won't be too awkward. Or I'll be drunk enough to not care.
This quarter is going by so fast, there's only a couple more weeks left. I register next week for winter quarter. I am taking only 3 classes because they are all really hard. Chemistry, Genetics, and Physiology. Every single one of them has a lab too which means a lot more time in the classroom than the credits suggest. So instead of taking 18 credits, I'm only taking 14. I hope it will make my load lighter and make it easier to study and do well. This quarter has been fairly laid back, but now that it's getting towards the end things are picking up a little bit. I met with my advisor and we discussed what I'm going to do after graduation. Next quarter I'm actually a senior. That is insane! I'm a senior in college.
Right now I'm planning on doing a one year accelerated program in nursing. That way I will finish school about the same time as Daniel and I will be a registered nurse. Then I can choose to continue on and get my NP (nurse practitioner) or I can hopefully get a good job for a while and put off more school. So I've been looking at schools in Denver and it's making me so nervous. It's really competitive to get into Nursing school and there are only two accelerated programs in Denver. I would have to start the August after graduation, or the following January. And it lasts one full calendar year instead of one full school year.
I wish I were more confident about what I want to do. I'm not very enthusiastic about it. I chose nursing because I want a good steady job that pays well and that I can qualify for as soon as possible. I also want to work with patients and care for people. The actual job sounds really great, but I just don't know that much about it. I don't know anybody who has been through nursing school or is working as a nurse right now. I have so many questions and nobody that can answer them. It's very stressful. And I have to figure this out soon because I have to apply next spring or summer. Is nursing really want I want to do for the rest of my life? I'm not sure about that. What I really want to do is be a family doctor. The person you see when your kid has a cold or strep throat or whatever. I want to work regular hours and make good money. When I started college, majoring in science seemed so safe. It seemed that no matter what I could get a well paying job with a science degree. Now I'm not so sure. It's like you have to get your master's degree. But the thought of another 2 years of school makes me crazy! I never thought I would have to be in school until I was 24 years old! I want to be independent and support myself. I want to get married and start our family. But that will just have to wait I suppose.