Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break!

My spring break has been wonderful. My last final went much better than I thought it would. I was really glad I went to a review session the day before, because our professor basically told us that the study guide is the test- with different numbers of course. So I studied that, and I think I did fine. I'm still waiting for all my final grades to be posted online.

On Sunday, my first official day of spring break, I had to be at church at 7:30am to play bells. That means I had to wake up at 6:30am. And, thanks to daylight savings time, it felt like 5:30am (thanks a lot Ben Franklin!). So I was not a very happy person that morning. I was so tired that I was grumpy the entire morning. We play in both services, but we have 90 minutes in between. That's usually when I go home and get Daniel. This time I was dying to go home so I could jump in bed and get at least another 30 minutes of sleep. But some people in our group insisted we practice for the first 30 minutes of our break. I was so sick and tired of playing these pieces. We work on only 2 pieces at a time, so I get so bored with them. I can sight read it perfectly the first time, and I have to spend 90 minutes every Thursday night rehearsing and then on top of that the day we perform it, in between services, we have to practice it MORE?? I was not in the mood at all. But I sucked it up and held in my impatience until we were done. Then I raced home and jumped into bed and got a quick nap. After the second service, I went home and slept for about 4 hours. I didn't feel well at all, but I dragged myself out of bed just in time to eat a delicious dinner that Daniel made for me. He's wonderful.

After that, my spring break went great. Monday I worked for a few hours and got the online part of the animal certification training done. It was so mind-numbingly boring, but I got through it. It's all lawyer bureaucratic jargon. Pages and pages on ethics. What does privacy mean, what does informed consent mean, who are vulnerable populations, what justifies using animals/humans for research, blah blah blah. I was surprised that most of it centered on research with humans. It's completely different from the research we are doing on mice (obviously) so it didn't really seem relevent. But this certification will go on my resume and any lab I work in from now on will recognize it. So that's good. I'm not really sure what the next step is.

On Tuesday Daniel took his GMAT. He found out his score immediately, which was a 610. He was thrilled. That's the highest score he's ever gotten on a practice test, and 20 points higher than the average student who gets accepted into Daniel's School of Business at DU. That night, we celebrated! The four of us had homemade vegetarian enchiladas (made by Hope) and drank lots of beer. We even sat outside on our patio and ate dinner. The weather was so beautiful, we were really happy to just sit outside and enjoy it. As the sun went down we walked to the grocery store and bought some firewood and then we lit a fire and sat around it until all our wood burned up. At that point, Daniel was pretty sick so we called it a night. It's no wonder he got sick, he had a couple beers, a rum and coke, bailey's and butterscotch schnapps, and wine. How many different liquors can you mix in one night? It was still really fun despite the ending on Daniel's part. He had been saying that he was going to really celebrate when he was done with his GMAT, and he definitely did!

The last couple days we've been deep cleaning the house and re-decorating. I baked some bread last night that is delicious. And Daniel cooked a beautiful gourmet meal last night. It was balsalmic marinated steak with cheese melted on top, Parmesan mashed potatoes, and garlic olive oil asparagus. Sometimes Daniel surprises me with his cooking skills.

I'm already thinking ahead to next quarter. Today we went to Target to buy some school supplies. Most of my classes are up on blackboard so I've read through the syllabus and looked ahead to see what the first week entails. I'm really excited to take Nutrition and Anatomy especially. My nutrition textbook comes with this software where you input your meals and exercise, and it calculates the nutritional content of your food, how many calories you burn, your net energy intake/outtake, etc. It's really cool! I hope that I'll end up eating healthier, and losing weight too after I take this class.

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