Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Estes Park, Election, etc.

Last weekend, Daniel and I finally went up to Estes Park. This was supposed to be for our anniversary, but it was the first weekend that Daniel was free. We drove up on Saturday afternoon. There were still beautiful fall colors on the drive up. We checked in and found out that we got Pueblo, one of the oldest cabins. My family stayed in it like 5 years ago. We expected it to be cold up there, and maybe a little snowy, but it was 70 degrees. Actually a little warm. We were disappointed. The point of the trip was to see what the weather is going to be like around the date of our wedding up there, but I don't think this weekend was a good representation. There were elk all over the grounds grazing. They were a little scary. Much bigger when you get up that close.

When we got there, we walked down to this little creek and up to a little valley on the other side. It was strange to be there in the fall. It's much quieter and everything looks dead. I'm so used to it being green and crowded with families. Then we came home and Daniel cooked a delicious dinner for us. It was so good and I ate way too much. We rented a board game and played for a little bit. We took a walk, but we realized that it is very dark outside and we didn't have a flashlight. There were elk all over the grounds, and I was seriously afraid we would run right into one. Then we baked some cookies and went to bed. We were both really tired because we worked all night on halloween. The next morning we had leftover cookies for breakfast and checked out. Daniel has always wanted to hike up bible point, so we decided this would be the perfect time.

It probably wasn't a great idea though because we weren't adjusted to the elevation up there. It's a short, but very steep trail. I had a hard time catching my breath so we stopped to rest frequently. But it still took us less than an hour to get to the top. We took a few really beautiful pictures and then headed back down the mountain. We drove home so that I could finish my homework before work that evening. It was a really nice weekend. A little disappointing that it wasn't cold, and we weren't able to get in to see the cabin that we want to get married in because there were people staying in it. But that just means we'll have to go back. :-)

I gave both of my presentations yesterday. Spanish went pretty well. I think my professor was just glad that we actually followed her instructions unlike the other two groups that went before us. Hopefully that will work to our advantage and we will get a good grade. Psychology went amazing. Way better than I thought. She handed back our comment sheets immediately after. I got 100% and tons of really positive comments. She loved my part of the presentation, and my whole group really. I am so incredibly relieved that they are over. All I really have now is one HUGE paper for psychology, and finals and then I can just not think for 6 whole weeks. The end of the quarter has been really hard. I'm exhausted and stressed out to a point that it's almost unhealthy. I just keep telling myself 2 more weeks.... 10 more days.... 4 more classes....

Last night was very exciting, especially being on a college campus. I had class all the way until 6pm so I missed the early election coverage. I ate dinner quickly and then met some friends. We walked to Ben & Jerry's because they were giving out free ice cream for election day! Then we walked to the cable center which is like a convention center that the university owns. They had this giant 2-story tall TV. It was broken up into cubes so they had CNN really big in the middle and then fox, abc, msnbc, and cbs in the four corners around it. It was a little overwhelming. There were tables set up with snacks and games and prizes all around. They even had pin the tail on the donkey/elephant! The local news broadcasted from here and interviewed the president of the Students for Barack Obama and College Republicans. It was fun for about 2 hours, but then a ton of people came and it got really crowded so we went home. At home we watched comedy central (they have the best coverage anyways). And to our surprise, Jon Stewart announced that Barack Obama won. We, of course, thought he was joking so we turned to CNN to discover that it was true. So that's where I was when it happened. Sitting in my dorm with four friends watching The Daily Show/The Colbert Report.

My 8:00am class was cancelled so I'm going back to bed in 45 minutes. I wish I didn't have to wake up at all. But at least I don't have to go to class after this. It's supposed to snow tonight. This weekend it was like 75 degrees, and all of a sudden last night the temperature dropped and winter is officially here. I think it's going to stay cold this time. We've already been lucky with unseasonably warm weather, but I think it's gone for good now.

I am very excited to go home for Thanksgiving. Much more now that I found out Nicole is coming home, and my parents are going to be gone for two weeks. I think six weeks at home with them would be a little too much, but this way Daniel can stay over at our house and I can still see all my friends and bake and cook and do all the things that I miss from home. And eat lots of In-n-Out burger! Oh how I wish there was In-n-Out here.

I want to go back to bed.

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