Saturday, May 8, 2010

More Gardening

Today we did another round of planting. I really REALLY hope this is the last time. I mean, besides our vegetables. We planted those indoors for the first few weeks, so we still have to move them out to our backyard garden. We have these horribly ugly window wells in our bedroom because it's in the basement. The view out the window is a wall of silver metal. Yuck. The first time we looked at the house, we said we were going to have to do something to make them look nicer. Well, it's taken this long (over a year) to actually do something. And I know it will be a really long time before they actually look really nice. But I'm glad we did it. We planted some ground cover called sweet woodruff. It gets flowers in the late spring and summer and eventually it will cover the whole bottom of the window well. And we planted a shrub called boxwood. It's an evergreen, so even in the winter it will be pretty. Living in a house is so much work. The yard is probably more work than the house! But it's very rewarding too. It feels so good to invest time and energy into something that brings you happiness- flowers and vegetables. Gardening is good therapy for me too. Patience has always been something that I have to work very hard at, and what requires more patience than growing plants?

I am really looking forward to the summer. This last week there have been tons of graduations, and people are taking finals and finishing up school. Unfortunately the quarter system means we are in class much later than everyone, but summer is just around the corner. In 3 weeks I'll be taking finals, and then hopefully Daniel and I will spend a week in Phoenix before getting into our summer routine. For me, that means working full time at National Jewish. For Daniel, we're still not sure. Hopefully a full-time job for him too ;-)

I met with my academic adviser this week and it looks like I'm in for a very tough senior year. Because I transfered to DU, I basically have to complete my degree in 3 years instead of 4. Senior year is where the squeeze comes in. Fall quarter won't be too bad, but winter will be very hard. There are 3 upper division science classes I must take, and one of them I have to get special permission to take without the prerequisite because I'm taking that in the spring. That same class I have to get permission for is taught by the professor I'm taking right now- the very scary and strict one. All three classes have labs and together they are only 9 credits. Which means I have to take a fourth class just to stay full-time even though those three classes will be a handful by themselves. My adviser suggested introduction to pottery. I'm thinking photography might be cool. The idea is to take a class that will be an easy A to let me focus on the other three. Another option is to spend 3 credits working in a biochemistry lab with a faculty member instead of taking one of those classes. I'm going to look into that in the next few weeks and see if there is a faculty member that has an opening in his/her lab. I still want to work at National Jewish too, especially if I'm hoping to get a job there after graduation. But that just may not work.

One more year of school, and I will be graduating!! It can't come soon enough. After graduation comes financial independence, a wedding, possibly moving back to Phoenix, and hopefully soon after that- babies!

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