Monday, March 4, 2013

Perfect Family Weekend

We had the best weekend we've had in a long time.  I credit that to spending some quality time with Elijah, and some quality time without him.

We got most of our "chores" done on Friday night, so on Saturday we just enjoyed our day.  Elijah tried peas for the first time, and as usual, he loved them!

It was a special treat for me that Daniel and Elijah went to the grocery store together and left me at home.  It's so rare that I get time at home by myself, so I really enjoy it when I do.  Soon after we all piled in the car and took a trip to Costco.  Elijah just loves to run errands with us.  He loves to look at all the people and all the busyness around us.  It keeps him entertained and happy for a long time.  We thought he would fall asleep at the store, but he didn't.  So by late afternoon, we realized he had been awake since 1:15pm.  That is a very long time for little baby Elijah.  But he just refused to take a nap when we got home.  Shannon, our babysitter, came over at 5 and we told her that he would be ready for bed pretty soon.  We got out the door just in time for our 5:30 reservations at Brook's steakhouse.  Daniel set up our little date during restaurant week.  It was so nice that he arranged for the babysitter, picked a restaurant, and made reservations all on his own.  We both enjoyed dinner so much.  The food was great, but kind of ordinary.  I had my first whole glass of wine- minus a few sips that Daniel had because I just couldn't finish it- since I found out I was pregnant over a year ago. It was so crowded, probably because of restaurant week.  When we got home, we were happy to find Elijah asleep in his crib, clutching a fleece blanket.  Every time I see him asleep it just melts my heart.  It sounded like everything went pretty well with Shannon (though not his usual bedtime routine, I'm sure).

That night Elijah slept horribly, we were up 5 or 6 times!  I have no idea what was waking him up.  He did take a nice long nap that morning which gave Daniel some time to work on his garden, and me time to give the kitchen a good cleaning.  I also got to spend some time browsing the internet on the couch.  That felt as nice as a vacation to a tropical island! When he woke up, we took a quick trip to Target to buy a few things we've had on our list for a while (plastic bibs, baby puffs, a new hose).  Then at 1pm, some friends came over and we all took a walk to the park for a picnic.  It was so warm and beautiful outside we just had to take advantage of it.  Elijah was as perfect as he could be.  He sat in his stroller pulled up to the side of the picnic table while we ate a leisurely lunch and caught up on our lives.  We got to meet our friend Jeff's new boyfriend.  He was absolutely delightful.  Some more friends met us there and by that time, Elijah was starting to get tired and/or hungry.  I pulled him out of the stroller and onto my lap, and he entertained everyone for a few minutes with his babbling, razzing, and bouncing.  I decided to walk him home and put him down for a nap, but everyone else stayed at the park.  Elijah fell asleep in the stroller about 2 minutes after we left.

He woke up very hungry and still tired 45 minutes later.  And of course we just couldn't get him to go back to sleep.  But he was in a pretty good mood the rest of the day.  At about 4:30 or 5, I asked Daniel if I could pretty please go lay down for a short nap.  He was more than willing to take care of Elijah so I could nap.  When I woke up, it was already 6:30 and Elijah was fast asleep in his crib.  I was so confused and disoriented.  I went upstairs and Daniel explained that he gave Elijah a bath and put him to bed with no problem.  He even gave him a bubble bath for the first time!

I was so grateful that he let me sleep, but also sad that I didn't get to kiss my baby goodnight.  I tiptoed into his room and laid my hand gently on his back.  He is so beautiful and perfect.  I apologized over and over for not helping out with bedtime, but Daniel said he was glad I got the sleep and it was no problem at all.  Yet another moment that I feel like I won the jackpot with him as my life partner.  He is just amazing.  Here's another moment: We had plans to get milkshakes after dinner to celebrate 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding.  I told him I really didn't feel like going out, and do you know what he said?  "Well, if you can spend all the time and effort breastfeeding for 6 months, I can spend 15 minutes of time and effort to go get you a milkshake."  Seriously.  He's amazing.

I went to sleep on Sunday night feeling like I had the most perfect weekend ever.  And then Elijah was up all night again ;-)  But my amazing husband didn't mind (or so he says) getting up each time and rocking him back to sleep. I'm a lucky wife.

Oh, and Happy 6 Months to my baby boy!!  Half a year, I can hardly believe it!

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