Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 6 of my last Autumn Quarter

I can't believe it's already week 6! My last autumn quarter of college is over halfway complete. That's crazy! I am loving this quarter. My classes are not very difficult, they're interesting for the most part, I don't have a ton of homework, and I get to spend lots of time with Daniel during the day and have lunch with him almost every day. Oh, and the best part is that I get to sleep in every single morning! I did very well on my first round of midterms, and the next round is coming up next week.

Work is also going extremely well. I absolutely love it. I love the people I'm working with and I love the work I'm doing. I've been working there long enough that I feel a sense of seniority and I feel like I genuinely belong there. Now that we have another student, it's great to have someone to work with. I am passing on a lot of things to her that I've learned in the past 10 months. We get along really well, and we even share our bench space. I have noticed this very gradual transition that started over the summer. I feel like my brain is little by little spending less time thinking like a student and more time thinking like an employee. I am focusing less on homework and tests, and more on projects and things that need to get done at work. I have to be careful though, because I still need to do well in my classes. I remember at this point in high school, my mind was very far away from high school and already looking towards college. I don't want that to happen quite so quickly this time. But it's good that I'm preparing myself. I am relieved that I have a job lined up that I'm already comfortable with and I know I love, but I'm worried about the pay. I don't know exactly what it will be, but I've heard starting wage is around $28,000 a year plus full benefits. It's salary, based on a 40 hour work week. That seems pretty reasonable, considering Daniel and I are living on about $18,000 a year right now (not including tuition of course). I'm also not sure if I'll have to work full time all summer on $8 an hour (like I did last summer) before they put me on salary. I sure hope not, because I'm worth way more than that and I know it. I'm worth more than that now! So I am still keeping my options open.

Daniel and I have been talking about career options some more. After speaking with my mom a little bit, I was considering getting certification to be a lab technologist like she and my grandma were. I wasn't sure that's exactly what I wanted to do, but I thought it would be a good backup plan if I was ever desperate for a job. When I looked into the requirements, it seemed to be more work than it would be worth. So that's out. I still desperately want to be a PA. But 1000x times more, I want to be a mom. I'm kind of afraid that if I don't go to PA school right away, then I never will. But I don't want to take out a ton of loans to go to PA school (which we would have to do if I did that now) and I want to start a family so badly! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish I had a baby to hold. Every time I see kids, it makes me want one more and more. I'm so jealous of everyone I know that has a family. So as passionate as I am about becoming a PA, I'm way more passionate about my family. So for now, that wins.

In the more immediately future, I'm so excited that our roommates are MOVING OUT!!! I feel so much like I have two incredibly immature annoying teenagers. Except I'm afraid to ask them to pick up after themselves. And they smoke and drink a lot. And I can't tell them to do their chores or whatever else. They had two friends who slept in the guest room for 5 nights, and 3 nights after they left the bed was still unmade with the dirty sheets, and muddy paw prints on the mattress. So I timidly asked if their friend was gone now, and would they please clean the guest room. It's so hard for me to ask them to do stuff, I'm so afraid they are going to think I'm annoying. They probably do, but isn't it common courtesy to clean up the sheets and bed (which all belong to us by the way) when your guests leave? I am so done with them. I'm done looking at cigarette butts on the ground, I'm done putting their dirty dishes in the dishwasher, I'm done listening to them and their friends shout over each other at midnight, I'm done taking out the recycling garbage full of beer cans 5 times a day, and I'm done listening to them stomp around above my head at 7am. DONE!! And in 2 weeks, I won't have to anymore :-)

Also in 2 weeks, or less actually, is my birthday! I'm 22 years old. Wow. I keep comparing myself to what other people I know or other people in the news or on TV are doing at this age. Many of my friends at this age have another 2-5 years of school ahead of them and are nowhere close to getting married or starting a family. Other friends at this age are married with kids and a career and are completely independent. And most are somewhere in the middle- like me! Though I'm closer to the second one than the first (thank goodness). Each year gets better and better. And I think my 22nd year of life is going to be the best one yet! Daniel and I are also celebrating our 8 year anniversary this Friday. 8 whole years together. I can't imagine my life without him. He's been there for every major point in my life. I know him better than I know myself I think. I'm so excited that we're getting married and having our own little family! He's the best :-)

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