Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This week is going so well! I can't pinpoint a reason exactly why. It's probably because I am so relieved that everything is going well with my new job. I don't know what I was so afraid of. The paperwork went smoothly, and yesterday I had a little abbreviated orientation. Every employee has to complete a set of courses and pass a series of tests within 30 days of being hired. I spent 2 hours yesterday morning getting a start. It's information like what to do in case of a fire, your rights in the workplace, sexual harassment, chemical safety, how not to get AIDS, etc. I didn't even mind getting up a little early to go on the one day of the week I usually get to sleep in. I felt so adult getting dressed up and making the morning commute to work. I have barely started and already I feel a sense of independence and pride. I'm so excited for Friday when I will go to the lab and meet all my coworkers. And I'm excited to start earning some money!

School is incredibly boring. I thought all my classes would be super interesting, but so far they're all kind of interesting, but kind of boring. Especially chemistry. According to our syllabus, we are way behind. The topic he covered today was supposed to be last Tuesday. And it's stuff that I learned in high school. So I am bored out of my mind in that class. In high school, I absolutely loved chemistry. It was a challenge, but I loved the sense of accomplishment when I finally got it. The last 2 years I have really changed my mind. Biology is much more interesting to me now. Chemistry seems so abstract and inconsequential compared to how our neurons work and how our cells keep our body going. I'm so excited to see what else I learn working in a Genetics lab at National Jewish.

Life at home just gets better and better. When all four of us are home, I am my happiest. We get along so well and it already feels like we're a little family. We all had dinner together last night- spaghetti, salad, and bread with oil and vinegar. There's always someone to talk to and I'm never lonely. It's almost too good to be true. I'm so happy!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm glad you're so happy with your room mates! I agree that when you come home to a group of people you like, it makes everything better. It kinda makes me dread growing up and getting my own place. I like room mates =)