So it seems all that's left is for us to get the diamond and then who knows when Daniel will pop the question? Hopefully in Europe. Wouldn't that be so romantic? At the Eiffel tower, or the Spanish steps in Rome, or at Versailles, or on a boat on Lake Geneva in Switzerland, or on a gondola in Venice! So many possibilities....
This weekend was crazy busy with all the bells performances. I am so glad that they invited me to play with them while I'm home. I had a great time. I haven't been as bored as I thought I would be with my parents gone. The only thing I don't like is coming home when the house is dark and quiet. It's kind of scary. So I turn all the lights on and blast music and double and triple check that all the doors are locked. Oh and I keep Spud nearby. But I only really have one day left until the cruise and when I get back, Nicole will be here waiting for me. I'm excited for the whole family to be back together again.
I have been spending lots of time with my grandparents. It's so nice that Grandma is always willing to cook dinner or something. Everytime I come over they offer me food. It's like they think I'm starving or something! It's been really easy to find meals. Between the Rosens, Grandma and Grandpa, and going out to eat, I've had to cook surprisingly little. And now that it's been over a week, there's not much food left in the house. I'm not sure what I'll do for dinner tonight. I'm babysitting again, which I'm thrilled about because it's easy money.
Yesterday Julie (Daniel's mom) called Daniel and asked him if we wanted to come down and help her. She works for Parenting Arizona, a nonprofit organization. One of the things they do is pair up children in group homes with a "special friend". It's basically like big brother/big sister. So anyways, they got a bunch of money donations so Julie asked us to go shopping to buy a bunch of toys for the kids for Christmas. She had lists that group homes had provided of each kid and what they want for Christmas. It was kind of like a scavenger hunt. We had $2000 which came down to like $80 per kid, but we limited it to about $40. They were babies all the way to teenagers. Some of them were really specific like "furreal friends puppy" so we had to find exactly that. Then other group homes just wrote the same thing for everyone. One had written PJ's for every kid. I felt bad because I'm sure that those kids didn't really want PJs. They were a bunch of teenage girls. But that's all we had to go by, so that's what I did. I picked out 16 pairs of pajamas. It was actually kind of fun because I wanted to get 16 different, unique pairs. And another group home asked for iPods for every kid (yeah, right). So we got them generic mp3 players. I think they'll still be thrilled. Some of the kids I know will be very happy. One girl asked for a cupcake maker (kind of like easybake oven). And another girl asked for an art easel so we got her this giant box with an easel, and a ton of art supplies. It was so much fun! Shopping for toys for a good cause with someone else's money. What a great afternoon.
Well I probably won't write again until after the cruise! Think of me on the boat with Daniel, the breeze blowing, watching the sun set over the ocean with a glass of champagne in our hand.....
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