Monday, January 7, 2013

Sleep and Transitions

This weekend was so much fun.  Elijah is such an easy little boy.  As long as he is fed and well-rested, he is happy to play all day long.  Saturday we spent the day reading books, dancing to Raffi, playing under the baby gym, and chewing on anything and everything Elijah managed to get into his mouth.  We were still having naptime problems.  He went down fairly easily on Saturday morning, but woke up after 30 minutes with a big smile that said "aren't you SO happy I'm awake now so we can PLAY?"  He's pretty darn adorable, even when he won't sleep.  Daniel had to go into work to take care of one quick thing, so Elijah and I dropped him off and went grocery shopping.  Lately I've been really antsy to get out of the house on the weekends, so that satisfied my need for the day.  He slept for another 30 minutes in the car.  I hate that.  He doesn't get a good solid nap in, and I don't get any time to myself because we're in the car.  But he wasn't grumpy or overtired, so I guess that's all the sleep he needed.  He did fall asleep finally around 3:30 and slept for a good 2 hours.  He didn't fight the napping as much as he has been fighting bedtime lately.  I think that maybe I was forcing him to go to bed when he wasn't tired.  When he was smaller, I was very careful to put him to bed as soon as he started to fuss so that he didn't get overtired and start screaming.  Then I got so stuck into our routine of naps, that I wasn't open to the possibility that Elijah doesn't need quite as much sleep anymore.  Maybe that last little nap before bedtime isn't necessary.  Or maybe he doesn't need to go to bed quite so early.  I'm going to try to be flexible this week with his evening nap and his bedtime, and see how that goes.

Despite his better napping, on Saturday night he didn't sleep at all.  He was up literally every 90 minutes-2 hours ALL NIGHT LONG.  I think he probably didn't get enough to eat during the day, so he was waking up very hungry.  At 6:15am, I got up and played with him for 2 hours while Daniel slept.  It was actually pretty fun.  He was happy and smiley and interacting with me so much.  Then, when I knew he was really tired, I swaddled him up.  He slept for about an hour.  He did get a really long nap in that afternoon. He fell asleep at 11:30 and at 3:30 he was still asleep.  I was beginning to worry that he would be up all night eating again (because he slept through one whole meal).  So I woke him up, and we clustered his last 3 bottles close together.  Which ended up working out quite well because last night he slept from 8pm-5:30am straight.  What a relief because we all needed that sleep!  Daniel and I were so tired we were bickering for no reason at all.  We both went to bed at 8:30.

On a side note, Daniel made THE MOST DELICIOUS chocolate ice cream EVER on Saturday.  We both couldn't stop taking little bites as we packaged it up and put it in the freezer.  It tasted like brownie batter!  So good.

One thing I really wasn't prepared for before Elijah was born is the constant being "in transition."  I mean that Elijah is continuously outgrowing one thing and growing into another.  About a month ago, we packed up his 3 month clothes and pulled out his 6 month clothes.  Soon after, we got rid of the size 1 diapers and moved up to size 2.  Last week, after realizing that Elijah fussed every time we tried to put him in it, we packed up the bouncy seat and now we use the bumbo seat instead.  A few days ago we set up his high chair so that he could sit with us at the table while we eat.  And last night we packed up the bassinet attachment for his stroller and pulled out the big boy seat.  We took it for a test run around the block since the weather has been a bit warmer the last few days.  It was nice to get outside for a little bit.  Elijah loved looking around at everything.  It made me so excited for Spring when we can spend lots more time outside.

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