Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Years Goals

Though we didn't go out and party on New Years' Eve, Daniel and I still spent some time discussing our goals for 2013.  I like using the term "goals" rather than "resolutions" because everyone always forgets about their resolutions by February.  I'm hoping we can remember these and work on them.

My goal is to become more confident as a mother.  There are many days when I get frustrated and stressed out because I feel like I just don't know what to do.  Should I feed him even though he just ate?  Should I swaddle him and rock him to sleep, or just lay him in his crib?  Should I read to him more, or play with him on the floor more, or go for walks more?  So in 2013 I want to gain confidence.  I want to be able to know that I can handle anything that comes up.  More specifically, that I can handle things without Daniel.  He is a great partner to have, but I should be able to take care of things without him sometimes.  And I have noticed that when I am forced to do things on my own (or on rare occasion, choose to), I have such a great feeling of accomplishment.  So to achieve my goal, I need to choose to do things independently more often.  I need to take risks.  And I need to trust that I know my baby and that I am a good parent.

Since that goal doesn't follow Daniel's SMART rule (specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, timely) I came up with another one that does.  I want to spend at least one day a month doing something for me.  It has been extremely hard to find time for myself since Elijah has been born.  And when I do have time, I feel guilty for leaving Elijah.  That's something I can definitely work on this year.  I also hope I can learn to take more dates with Daniel.  Whenever we spend time together without Elijah, I remember how much fun we have together and how madly in love with him I am.  I can never have too much of that :-)

Daniel's goal is more career-oriented.  He wants to clarify his career path and move forward in his career goals.  He wants to figure out what his end goal is and determine the steps needed to get there.  I'm trying to be grateful that he cares about his career so much.  But to be honest, I wish he cared more about being a parent.  Not that he doesn't care, I just think he isn't concerned with improvement as much as I am.  He already has confidence in his ability to parent. 

Here are Elijah's goals, as determined by me-
Sleep through the night on a regular basis (at least a couple days a week).
Learn to stop eating before I get so full I vomit.
Learn to crawl and walk!
Spend lots of time discovering new things.
Get a new brother or sister (even if he or she is still in Mommy's belly).
Continue to be a happy boy.

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