Monday, August 22, 2011

Wedding planning weekend

It's Monday, and I'm completely exhausted. I will definitely leave work a little bit early today, but it's no problem because I skipped lunch. The reason I'm so tired is because my weekend was crazy busy. We spent 3 1/2 days in Phoenix in another attempt to wrap up the on-location wedding planning. We managed to fit in a meeting with the coordinator to pick all the decorations (including table settings), some shopping to buy some materials for the table centerpieces, a hair trial and dress fitting for me, a private dance lesson for Daniel and me, and a private dance lesson for Daniel and his Dad. For non-wedding related activities, I saw a movie with my Mom and Grandma, participated in the Rosen family peace pole dedication ceremony, went swimming in the evening, went out for many meals, attended church on Sunday morning, and had a Sunday afternoon brunch for the Burton and Rosen family members in the Scottsdale area.

This is a complete surprise to me, but my favorite activity of the weekend was the dance lesson. I was not even planning on having a dance lesson, but Daniel's mom set one up for us with Daniel's older brother. Rennie just happens to be a professional ballroom dance teacher. He was amazing. In less than an hour he taught us the basics of the rumba. He knew immediately after listening to the song we picked for our first dance that it would fit the rumba very well. And he was right! After learning the slow, quick-quick, slow, quick-quick box step, Rennie started to add in more complicated moves. What an amazing sense of accomplishment when we finally got a dance step down! My Mom stayed and watched and cheered when we finally got it. I did the whole lesson in the shoes I bought for the wedding day. These shoes happen to be the tallest heels I have worn in my life, so it was good practice to dance in them. I am definitely getting used to them and I loved dancing in them. They look so beautiful! What I'm really concerned about is the dress. I hope all the fluffy underneath layers don't trip me up. Daniel and I are going to practice as much as we can between now and the wedding so that on that evening we look calm and relaxed. Right now we look like we're concentrating very hard. I think everyone will be impressed.

Daniel also practiced the waltz with his Mom. They're dancing to "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. If you know that song, then you know it is not a waltz. Luckily Daniel's Mom has no sense of rhythm so that isn't a problem for her. Daniel will have to work hard to dance in 3 to a song that's actually in 4. Rennie choreographed their dance more specifically, while our dance will be more impromptu- just the way I wanted it.

The other goal of this weekend was for me to get another dress fitting in and see what it will look like with the shoes and jewelry. Beth and my Mom were there and they agreed that the jewelry looked good with the dress. I wasn't convinced, but I trust them. The dress is bright white, and the pearls are off-white. To me that looked weird, but Beth said you can't tell from far away. The earrings look fantastic though. The dress still has a long way to go to fit me right, but the seamstress has done a great job so far. She has a great eye for detail and wants to get it just perfect. My last fitting was in March and since then she took 3 inches off the straps, took a few inches in at the waist and top, and lots of other minor things. The top is still too big. She marked the hem yesterday and she will have to take a good 3-5 inches off of that as well. Thank goodness we already paid for all the alterations. By the end, this will practically be a custom gown! But it will fit me perfectly and I know that makes a huge difference in how the dress looks.

I was very happy that the relationships with our family members survived in tact this weekend. It's always a little scary to see what argument will break out. But Robert kept all his thoughts and opinions to himself, so Daniel didn't have to defend himself at all. My Dad also kept his childish tantrums to a minimum. He had eye surgery on Friday morning, so he slept most of the weekend. I tried to do what I could to make sure he felt like I spent some time with him. I got to spend lots of time one-on-one with my Mom which was great. Pretty much my whole Saturday was spent with her- getting my hair done, out to lunch, grocery shopping and preparing dinner, and at the dance lesson.

So now looking forward I am very excited about the possibility of getting a new (higher paid) job! I have an interview on Wednesday so I hope to know on that day or maybe Thursday if I got the job or not. I am going to ask for about 10K more than I'm making now which will be a huge help with our monthly bills. So wish me luck!

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