Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Honey

Things at work have calmed down a little bit. David had a meeting in which he explained what's been decided (and what's not been decided) and answered any questions we have. But mostly his answer was that he didn't know the answer. Negotiations are ongoing, so we won't know anything for sure for another week or more. But he made it sound like IF the lab moves, it will be at least 12 months before that happens. And by then, hopefully I will be accepted into graduate school so it won't matter that much. We had our Christmas party on Sunday. That was so much fun. Daniel got to meet some more of my co-workers and get to know them a little better. There were over 50 people crammed into my boss's house and lots of little kids from 3 weeks to 6 years old. There wasn't as much talk about "the move" as I thought there would be. But I did get some valuable information from Laura. Trust Laura to know all the details.

Daniel and I are packing up for our cruise and Christmas vacation. We are leaving on Thursday afternoon and taking two days to drive to Phoenix this time. Then on Saturday morning we will drive to LA with his whole family and my sister. I am really looking forward to that trip. It will be so nice to have a few days with nothing to do but relax and spend time with family. We were also able to coordinate plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Every year it's a little difficult because my side of the family goes to church on Christmas Eve, and Daniel's side of the family has Noche Buena on Christmas Eve. This year we are going to try to do Noche Buena after church. It will make for a late dinner, but this way we won't have to eat and run so quickly. I'm really glad that we will be staying with Daniel's family this time. My parents' house just felt so crowded. The only bad part from my perspective is that means less time with my sister.

Daniel's birthday is on Wednesday. He is turning 22 years old! I can't believe how old we're getting. When we started dating just before my 14th birthday, I would have never imagined we would still be together for our 22nd birthday. I spend way too much of my time daydreaming about our wedding. And even more time daydreaming about being a mom. Daniel told me a few days ago that he saw a little boy with his dad and for the first time he wanted to be a dad. That is a very positive sign! But we are doing the responsible thing, and waiting until we both have master's degrees to have kids. Isn't it crazy that we'll both have master's degrees before we're 25 years old? I think we should be very proud of that. All these years of school better be worth it. I want us to make enough money that we can afford for me to stay home part time, and live in a nice home, and go on vacations. In that order.

We're going out for drinks with some friends tonight, and Daniel is inviting people over tomorrow night for his birthday, and then we leave! What a week.

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