I have been going over to campus at least once a day to spend time with Daniel at his camp. The other counselors are getting to know me, and some of the campers too. A couple days ago the Tuff Shed people came by to deliver our shed that we bought. His truck was too wide to fit through our narrow driveway into the backyard. He told me he would make a phone call. When he came back, he said that his boss told him to just drop it in the driveway. We would have to move it ourselves. He said that it said that in our contract. I was like, "no it does NOT say that" but I didn't know what else to do. He told me that we could move it by rolling it on PVC pipe. I called Daniel's parents and they talked to him on the phone. He told me that they would be back later in the week to finish moving it, but for now it was staying in our driveway. Right then, our realtor's dad pulled up to the house with a pick-up truck full of dirt. We talked to her about getting some fill dirt to fill in the foundation in the back of the house. Just our luck, there was a giant shed in our driveway so he couldn't get to the backyard. Which means he dropped the dirt in the front of our driveway. Ugh. It was not a good day. I called Daniel and he told me to go ahead and pull out the weeds and try to move the dirt into the gap. We don't have a wheelbarrow, so I emptied out a garbage can and put it on top of a flat dolly. Then I filled the garbage can with dirt and wheeled it to the backyard. I filled it a little too full, and I could barely move it. I finally dragged it to the backyard and tipped it over. That's as far as I got. I couldn't lift the garbage can to tip the dirt out. Daniel told me he would take an hour off the next morning to help me finish moving the dirt.
So I picked him up around 10am and we shoveled dirt into the garbage can, pushed it up the driveway into the backyard, and then shoveled it into the gap. It was hard work. I got a blister and really dirty. But I'm really glad it's not in our driveway anymore. I was so happy that Daniel came to help me. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed having to figure all of this out for myself the day before. I took a nap that afternoon and then went back to campus for their evening fun activity. We went swimming in the giant olympic-sized swimming pool in our fitness center. There was a huge blow-up obstacle course that you had to jump onto and crawl through stuff and then slide down at the end. It got really slippery and it was hard to stay on. It was really fun. The campers stayed on that for about 90 minutes, while me and Daniel and another counselor Marijo talked and hung out. We told her the story of Daniel's proposal. She was really nice to talk to. Marijo and Daniel both have all day Friday off, so we invited her to come over to our house. I think we'll make dinner together.
Daniel's boss at the camp is also warming up to me. I brought a cake the other day and she really liked that. She actually asked Daniel if I was going to come to Elitch's with them on Sunday. Elitch's is a Six Flags park in Denver. I don't even work for the camp or anything, but she assumed I was coming with them. I think that's a good sign. Then that night I was hanging out in Daniel's room until lights out and she came by to talk to him. She saw me in there and told us that I wasn't supposed to be there. I offered to leave, but she told me to stay, but don't let the campers see that I'm in there. I felt really bad, but she didn't really care that much. I'm glad because she won't mind that I'm around so much. I have nothing to do around here, so I would like to spend time with Daniel at the camp.
Daniel gets a couple hours off this afternoon so he is going to come home with me. I think we'll go grocery shopping and then bake brownies to take back to camp for the counselors. I spent an hour this morning cleaning the house so it looks nice for Daniel. I'm so excited that we get to spend time together. We haven't had time together by ourselves in almost a week.
We leave for Europe 3 weeks from today! Yikes!