I woke up this morning to a pretty chilly day. It has been raining every afternoon for 4 or 5 days straight and last night it poured. So this morning there were worms everywhere. I mean you could barely walk without stepping on one. The worst is when there are big long fat ones that are still alive and squirming around. I have no idea why I am afraid of them. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily afraid of them, just grossed out. Regardless, I don't want to look at them or step on them. So walking across campus was quite an adventure. On the way back I called my mom in the hopes that talking to her would distract me from all the worms.
I worked for a few hours and went to NATS. I am always so tired in that class. Probably because it's around 2 in the afternoon and my body is ready for an afternoon nap. Since choir rehearsal was moved 2 hours later, I actually did get a nap in. Daniel also helped me study for a little while. He is so amazing. In psychology my professor posts lists of questions online and then I fill in the answers. It's perfect because Daniel can ask me the questions and it helps me study. I can't believe he spends so much time just asking me boring questions. It shows how much he loves me :-) I would certainly do the same for him, but he has different studying strategies than me. I really didn't want to wake up to go to choir rehearsal, but it's probably better that I did. I couldn't sleep at all last night and I don't think taking a long nap would help me sleep well tonight.
Rehearsal was a little frustrating. We are performing the world premiere of a piece. So at tonight's rehearsal there was our women's choir director, the orchestra director, and the composer of the piece present. The orchestra director was conducting. Every time he stopped, my choir director and the composer had to put in their two cents. It was like having 3 directors giving us advice all at once. And there were a few times that they actually had to get together and decide amongst themselves what they wanted us to do. If they disagreed, they had to compromise. Not only that, but we had to learn the piece three different ways: one with just our women's choir, again with the entire mixed choir in our smallish choir room, and then a third time with the orchestra in the performance hall. Each time they had to adjust volume levels and balance. So I was quite annoyed. Overall, though, it's a good experience. I love singing with an orchestra and performing the world premiere of a piece is really cool. It's not often you get to hear from the composer himself what he wanted when he wrote it. The words are poems written by President Jimmy Carter. One of the poems is about when he had to shoot his dog. When we first started learning this piece, it was right after Spud had to be put down and I seriously almost started bawling in the middle of rehearsal. It's still hard for me to sing it. At least I didn't have to shoot Spud. My goodness, I can't imagine doing that. The poor dog that has loved you and been loyal to you all its life spends its last moment watching you raise a gun to shoot it. Okay time to change the subject.
Tomorrow is my psychology final exam. I'm not nervous for it at all. I've done really well on every assignment we've had and the material seems to stick to my brain better than in my science classes. Probably because I enjoy and am interested in it. (not that I'm not interested in science, just in a different way) Child development is fascinating. I found the adolescent development unit particularly interesting. I think it would be really cool to get a job working with adolescents in some kind of social work, but unfortunately that doesn't pay very well. I might still consider it though. It would certainly be rewarding in other ways besides monetarily.
Daniel and I emailed this lady who is selling samoyed puppies. She breeds and shows samoyeds, so we were hoping she would have a "B" stock puppy she might be willing to sell for somewhat cheap. She sent back a looong email basically trying to convince us to show dogs. She even offerred to sell us one of her show quality puppies and she would take it once a week to train it and on weekends to groom and show it. I think that is absolutely ridiculous. Well, I think showing dogs is absolutely ridiculous. Whoever came up with judging a dog's appearance based on this contrived "standard" of the breed (that humans created in the first place) was crazy. I want a dog to play with a love and enjoy. Not judge based on its genes and its parents. And letting some lady come and take our dog to train it and groom it and show it? Absolutely not! And she was asking $1200 for a show puppy and $800 for a pet puppy. So needless to say, we are not interested. I have looked at all the local shelter's websites around here and there are lots of dogs that need adopted. In particular, a lot of golden retrievers, border collies, and australian shepherds. I would be very happy with an australian shepherd, but Daniel insists on a hypoallergenic breed. That severely limits our options. I think we'll just go to a shelter in August and pick out a puppy. Hopefully we can find one that's hypoallergenic.
I suppose it's time for bed. Just one week left until I'm out of the dorms forever!
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