Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

As promised, here are some Halloween pictures:

We decided to go trick-or-treating with our friend Terri and her daughter Carolyne in their neighborhood.  We are hoping to move near them, so we thought it would be a good way to check out the neighbors ;-)  When we got there, we put Elijah in his costume and I just about died.  It was waaaay cuter on him than on the hanger.  And he loved it too!  The hood didn't bother him at all.  He left it on all night and was nice and warm and cozy.  When Carolyne came downstairs in her costume, Elijah thought she looked hilaaaaarious.  (I don't think he realized what he looked like).  He also thought Daniel looked pretty funny in his costume.

Two toddlers in costume- I'm dying from the cuteness

We headed out at about 6pm.  We mostly stayed in their cul-de-sac, but went to a few houses of people Terri knows in her neighborhood as well.  It was a beautiful, perfect day.  Clear blue skies and cool, but not too cold.  I actually didn't even need a coat.  Elijah absolutely loved walking up the driveways and picking candy out of the bowl to put in his little bucket.  A few times he got a little confused and took candy out of his bucket to put back in the bowl of the friendly neighbor, but it's his first Halloween, right?  I'm so glad he started walking before Halloween because watching him march from house to house in his little costume and carrying his bucket of candy was just the cutest thing I've ever seen.  

I swear we didn't pose him like this.

Daniel was a safari guide

Once it got dark, it started to get cold so we wrapped things up.  Trick-or-treating was so much more fun than I even imagined.  I thought Elijah was still too young, but it was actually a fantastic activity for him.  He got to walk around the neighborhood freely, pick up items and put them in a container (always a hit) and play with his little friend Carolyne.  When we finished, we went back to Terri's house for some chicken noodle soup (which Elijah devoured) and then got home by about 8pm.  Just in time to realize we bought two giant (expensive) bags of candy and missed the majority of the trick-or-treaters.  Oops.  Maybe we can save it for next year? 

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