This weekend, Elijah said "Mama" for the first time. Sure, it wasn't at me. Or in reference to me. Or any other mother. But, he said it. Which means he is one step closer to saying it TO me. Or AT me. Or ABOUT me.
This weekend, Elijah walked with support. He held onto my hands and as I gently leaned him forward, he took little tiny steps.

This weekend, we went to the Farmer's Market. The only thing I could think was how last year, I was hugely pregnant, looking at all the babies and strollers and imagining myself with a baby in a stroller next year. And here I am. Next year. Only it's this year now. And I can tell you that my baby boy has the most beautiful color-changing mood ring eyes. And that he loves to eat. And that he crawled very early at only 7 months old! And that he has quite a loud voice. All the things that I wondered about when I was pregnant and now I know them. Just going to the Farmer's Market made me think all these things.
He napped like this. With his lovey over his face. |
This weekend, I thought (for about the billionth time) how great it is that the universe makes babies need to sleep so much, because as a mommy I
need babies to sleep so much too. This weekend, it did not happen enough. Elijah has had this cough for like a bajillion years (or like 3 weeks). It suddenly got worse on Friday. Where before he could sleep through it, now it wakes him up. But just from naps. He is still sleeping through the night every night (glory hallelujah!). So he took a very tiny 30 minute nap on Saturday morning and a very small 1 hour nap on Saturday afternoon and by 5pm he was just done. Ready for bed, put me in my pajamas, and let me sleep! But we did not want to be woken up at 5am the next morning, so we made him stay up until 6:15pm. Which was still far too early. We've been trying to push his bedtime to 7pm and he has been resisting it! He still wakes up around 6:30 most mornings. We should just give in. Anyways, Saturday night. So he was a cranky tired mess for the last hour of the day. Surprisingly not so much the rest of the day, despite the lack of napping.
All dressed up and ready for church |
This weekend, we decided not to become members of our church. Boo. Daniel would have to be baptized first, and that's just one step too far. I understand. I don't want him to do something like that just for me. I'm glad he has the ethics not to do it even when he doesn't actually believe. But I really wish there was a way for us to become members anyways. I like our church.
This weekend, we went to the library again. I love the library. We discovered that last time we were at the library (2 weeks ago), we left our library card there. So when we went to check out, and I couldn't find my card, we asked the help desk if Daniel could get a card. When they looked up his name they discovered that my library card was reported as "lost". So I got a new one. And this one is BLUE! Pretty. It's the little things.
Chllin in the backyard with his water bottle and his ridiculous hat |
This weekend, Elijah spent nearly an hour playing by himself in the backyard. I picked up dog poop, Daniel watered his garden and built his compost bin. Elijah sat in the grass. He played with my blue water bottle. He was obsessed with it. When I took it away, he crawled after it. Even though he doesn't like crawling in the grass (I think?). So he sat in the grass with his water bottle for a very long time. And we all soaked up the sun and the warmth. This week it's supposed to rain every day. I wish summer would just hurry up!!
Cheese is fun to play with, but not fun to eat |
This weekend, we tried finger foods again with limited success. The only solid food he will eat is banana Happy Puffs. Banana chunks, nope. Strawberry pieces, nope. Shredded cheddar, nope. All delicious food! But because it is not liquefied, he will not eat it. As soon as he does start eating finger foods, there will be a whole new world of options opened to him. I can't wait!
Chasing Mama down the hallway |
Glee! |
A split second of cuddle time |
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