Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Things are Getting Better

This quarter has been a million times harder than I thought, but the end is near! If I can get through the next 3 weeks, I will be on the fast downhill path to graduation, freedom, and independence! I can't wait. I registered for next quarter, and I'm taking fairly easy classes. On purpose. I am giving up one of my minors because the last class I need is only offered at 8:30am. No thank you. I don't need 2 minors though, one is enough.

Yesterday we got back from visiting my sister in Columbus. I'm so glad I got to go and see her new life. Her apartment is very nice, perfect for her. It was so much fun to go to Ikea and spend all of Nicole's money! She was also really generous and bought us tickets to see a few shows, and took us out to some nice places to eat. We had a great time. I am so lucky that her and Daniel are such great friends. Daniel actually wanted to go visit her and had just as much fun as I did.

Of course, any trip creates stress. I missed a few classes, and switching time zones, traveling for 8 hours, and getting up at 4am twice in 4 days kinda threw me off. Daniel teases me that I'm kind of like a baby- I have to be fed on time, go to bed early, and kept on a schedule or I get cranky. It's true. So now I have to get back on schedule. And until them, I'll admit I've been a bit cranky. But this week is already almost over (the nice thing about being on vacation at the beginning of the week) and I'll have all weekend to catch up and get back on track.

The next big thing in my life is final exams. Which, this quarter, is more like final presentations. In three classes I have a group presentation, and in the fourth I have a recital (piano). So that's a lot to do in one week. For two of the 3 group presentations I also have a large paper to write, and for the third I have a test. That sounds like a lot when I write it all out like that. But I have to take it one day at a time and I'll figure it out. I always do :-)

After that is lovely spring break! I am definitely going to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather that Phoenix has in March. And I have meetings scheduled with the florist and bakery, and I'm trying to schedule a gown fitting and food tasting with the caterer. We'll see if that ever happens- they won't return my phone calls! And my Dad is going to take me to a Spring Training game. In all, I will be there for 6 days. Which is kind of a lot. I'm a little nervous about staying at my parents house, without Daniel or Nicole, for 6 whole days. I wish I could get a hotel, but it would be kind of rude I think- and expensive. So I'll deal with it. It won't be that bad, I'm sure.

And then a mere 10 weeks later I will officially be a college graduate. What a relief that will be! You spend your entire life working towards something, and here I am just a few months away. Crazy.

I'm sure you all want to hear how my class from hell is going. The truth is, it's gotten a bit better. We FINALLY got our procedure approved (8 weeks into the 10-week quarter), which leaves us about 2 weeks to do the actual experiment, analyze our results, and write a paper/presentation on it. Our final meeting with the professor, where our procedure was approved, we took a different approach. In the past, we have come to him saying "this is what we decided to do because.....". Well this time, we just pretended like it had already been approved. We asked him when we can sign up to be trained on the instrument, and when we can start. He said next week. And just like that, our procedure was approved! He wasn't mean, he didn't yell at us, he just told us what we needed to know to get started. I think we were a little lucky because he seemed flustered. There were a bunch of old guys in his office so maybe he had a meeting or something that distracted him. Regardless, we were absolutely thrilled. Now the real work starts! I completely re-wrote my paper from scratch, and I hope it's more like what he wants. Who knows? I guess I'll find out next week.

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