After lunch, Daniel attempted to fix the cord. It didn't work. By then it was getting close to 90 degrees anyways so we let it go. Then yesterday, Daniel bought a new cord and we went at it again. This time it only took 20 minutes for Daniel to hack into the cord. But he didn't cut all the way through so he was able to fix it with electrical tape. We finished it up and now the dog run is just dead weeds. We have three huge garbage bags full of branches that we cut down. I really hope the grass just moves in and takes over. If we have to keep chopping weeds down until it snows, I will be very annoyed. I think eventually we will put Jackson outside while we're in class, and just use his crate for bedtime. That way he can run around and sniff and pee.
The days have gone by quickly, though we haven't been doing a whole lot. I have really enjoyed cooking with Daniel. We cook lunch and dinner every day. Our friend Jeff came over yesterday to see the house, meet Jackson, and talk about our summer. He went to Italy for a few weeks during his sophomore year at DU (he's one year ahead of us) so he told us a lot before we went. He wanted to know all about our trip. And he is going back to Italy in a few weeks to study abroad this entire quarter. So he wanted to ask us all the places he should go while he's in Europe. He also told us about his big 21st birthday trip to Las Vegas. I've never been interested in going before, but it sounded like a lot of fun. The whole fraternity is planning a trip over Spring Break because most of the guys will be over 21 by then. And I've already been invited.
I'm also working on a scrapbook as a thank you gift to Grandma and Grandpa. It's so much work, but it'll be awesome when it's all finished. And of course we've been playing with Jackson. Mostly fetch in the backyard, going for walks, and we're working on sit, down, stay, come, etc. He's so smart it's really amazing. I've only been in Denver 6 days and I'm already looking forward to going back to Phoenix. It's getting a little boring here. I'm excited to see my sister and my grandparents before school starts. I ordered my books yesterday. It's not too much longer! My third year of college. Holy cow.
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