Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's a SNOW DAY!

It's almost noon and I'm still in bed. Be jealous. It's a SNOW DAY! Or more accurately, a really REALLY COLD day. It is about negative 9 degrees outside right now. The high is below zero. Literally. Definitely record low temperatures. How exciting! We didn't even get that much snow actually. It snowed all day yesterday and we got maybe 3 inches. It's supposed to snow lightly all day today too, but accumulation won't be that much. Less than an inch probably. I feel like I should shovel because all that snow is going to freeze to the sidewalk instantly. Actually, forget that it's already frozen. I'm not going anywhere today. No way. Yesterday it took me 15 minutes to chip the ice off of my car. You know what "frosted glass" looks like? Well, it looks exactly like real frosted glass. That's what my windshield looked like until I scraped it all off.

So, my plan for today: stay in bed until noon (check)
make some homemade-from-scratch macaroni 'n cheese for lunch
read my biochemistry textbook (gotta take advantage of the free day since I'm way behind)
and watch a lot of daytime television

YAY! I know I should really savor this because very soon I will never get a day like this again. Schools may close, and a lot of businesses close, but National Jewish is not closed. I called the snow line last night and they said it's just business as usual. But I'm pretty sure that everyone on salary is choosing not to go in today. The roads are just scary. And imagine getting into your car when it's negative 10 degrees outside! Just the walk from the car to the door is miserable. The weather service says any exposed skin will get frost bite in under 30 minutes. No thank you. So as soon as I get a real job I won't get another snow day for the rest of my life. Once you have kids, you don't get to stay in bed until noon. I know that for sure. So Daniel and I are taking advantage of this day when we literally can't leave the house. We get to spend the entire day together with no obligations. Thank you God for crazy weather!

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